
Do u think my cat is pregnant

by  |  earlier

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we think she is she got loss for 1 week a month ago and we r starting to c a little belly and her **** r geting bigger....hopefully she is not cause there r to many unwanted cats in the world but form this in formaion do u think she is pregnant because the day she got out therei was a male cat under her house.....and she is a little h**e lol she was about to get spayed but it looks like it is to late is there anyway 2 find out if she is prego without buying anything or going to the vet .......and something else any1 want a kitten dO u think she is prego




  1. Why don't you get her spayed now?

  2. Your cat is not a w***e or as you say h**e...she is doing what nature tells her to do.  It is too bad you did not have her spayed sooner.  

  3. Why don't you get her spayed NOW, so you don't have to worry about it??!

  4. If her nipples are bigger and pinker than usual then she's pregnant.

    Many vets will still spay her and I suggest that you have that done asap.  

    I know many people seem to think that kitten abortion sounds horrible and will give me thumbs down but kittens are being killed constantly at shelters.  Even if you find homes for these that's homes that could have saved a shelter cat.  And you can't just give them away to strangers because you say they need "good homes," people will take free kittens to abuse them or sell them to places that do animal testing.  It takes real effort to successfully rehome kittens.  

    She's not a w***e.  Nature tells her she needs to reproduce, it's not because that's what she wants.  

  5. If under a year, or older than eight years, your cat will not have an easy time with birthing, and the possibility of deformed kittens is increased. Pregnancy is normally about 60-65 days long. In cases of large litters, length is usually lessened. In cases of a small litter number, length may increase.

    If you think your cat might be pregnant, the first check her nipples. These become more prominent and pinker by three weeks of gestation. By four to five weeks after conception, your vet will be able to feel golf-ball sized swellings in her abdomen. At this time the developing fetuses are usually quite easy to count. Shortly afterward, her belly becomes a visibly enlarged.

    Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you find out your cat is pregnant or if you suspect your cat might be pregnant. Your veterinarian will give your cat a check up to see if she is healthy and tell you how far along she is. Feline pregnancy lasts about 65 days, but like humans can be slightly shorter or slightly longer. Unless your cat suffers injury or illness, you will not need veterinarian assistance again.

  6. 1. a big stomach can mean anything but if her nipples are massively growing then u have a prob

  7. You mentioned this issue in another question that you asked two weeks ago. Alot of your questions seem to be about pregnancy. By the way how old are you anyway, is it 13 or 14? Why don't you spend some of your time learning basic grammar and spelling. This question is almost unintelligible.

  8. I really hope you don't think this is funny. There are over 10 million animals killed every year because there are just too many. Any many have to do with owners. It is just too sad to see you sitting here lol ing. It is not funny! Most likely she is pregnant. If you can get her to the vet asap it would be best. I don't believe in abortion in humans but this has to be done if your cat is. I really feel it sad that you think this is funny. It's only 60 bucks if you check around to get your cat spayed and only 10 more if she is pregnant. Please don't chance your cat being pregnant and having to get rid of the kittens once they are born....


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