
Do u think my friend will make the v-ball team??

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ugh i realy want her to be on the team with me...shes 5'10 but has never played before...EVER! cept gym...there are 40 girls trying for 18 spots...i want her to make it but she isnt good at like sports if u no wat i u think her height will help it?? wat can she do




  1. she will never make it i play and im a coach shes go no chance

  2. it COULD. i dont think the coaches really care about height n e more. just as long as ur firend is  good at try outs, then theyll accept ur friend.

  3. same exact instance for me... i made it on the B team, but some people wit NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO experience (like teamms, camps, gym) made the A tema so it depends

  4. She sounds like a big goon.

    I would say no

  5. If she stands out then she will have a better chance. Her height might help her, but on my team at school most of the girls are kinda short. If she practices and does well at the tryouts then she will have a better chance of getting on the team!

  6. It all depends.

    How good are the other girls trying out? How much experience do they have?

    What level of volleyball is this? Is it middle school, high school, or club volleyball?

    If it's high school, I doubt she'll make it. If it's club volleyball, there's a chance.

    Middle school volleyball, there's a strong chance she'll make it. If she's a natural athlete, than that's even better. It was a little different in my middle school, there were about 35 girls trying out for 24 spots. Several girls who had never played before outside of a few simple camps (probably only slightly better than gym volleyball) made the B team. However, most of them had natural athletic ability. They were tall and strong. It sounds like your friend fits that description.

    As for club, most established clubs have 1,000 different teams, or so it seems. There's clubs for 10 year old girls, clubs for college players, and clubs for every level in between (e.g. A 14U Blue team could be better than the 14U Red team in the same club.) I have seen clubs where there have been 10 different skill levels in the same age group. So if your friend tries out for club, there's a decent chance she'll make a team, though it probably won't be the same team you're on.

    Good luck to your friend!

  7. You would wish at least 22 other girls could have less experience than you friend, and are not as tall as she is.

    It is possible given the fact that you would have 18 spots, compared to those more competitive teams that would only offer 10-12 seats to seasoned players.

    Good Luck.

  8. help her practice playing

  9. Her height won't matter. I say this because if she isn't good, then she won't make it. She may be tall, but if she doesn't know the basics, then she's useless for the team. If she is good, then sshe does have a good chance of geting on the team.

  10. well, it depends on a few things, like what grade u guys r in. im in 9th grade right now and i made the freshman vball team, but in the beginning, 7th grade, we all started out totaly non "athleticaly cordinated" if u kno what i mean. this girl on my team in 7th grade sounds exactly like her, the least atheleticaly cordinated of all but REALLY TALL. mostly because of her tallness, she made it on the team w/ the rest of us and shes still on the team now in 9th grade, and shes REALLY GOOD  at middle, she slams all the balls down that come her way. so as i said, if ur in 7th grade, and shes really tall, she will proly make it cuz the coaches can shape her up, if u guys r older, well, idk then it depends on the ability of the others trying out. also, go somewere (make sure u have a net) and practice the basics, bumping setting passing serving etc. if ur in 7th grade then just go 2/ underhand serving its sooooo much easier and dont let her even try over hand untill she gets a solid underhand!

  11. The good news for your friend is that if it comes down to the last cut and the choices are your tall friend and a shorter person with the same skills, your friend will make the team.

  12. her height may help, but help her out. thats all you can do. you cant make her a better player over night, but oyu can help her practice, tell her what to do and what not to do.

  13. Haha, my friend is 5'11" and she is the setter and DS on our High School varsity team, so of course there is a chance she will make it, despite her height. If she hasn't played much before, set up a time for you and her and teach her some of the basics: how to bump/pass, set, and serve. If she is dedicated to playing volleyball and really wants to do it, then there is always hope that she will make it!

  14. Maybe,there is a girl at my school who has never played before and she isn't all that good at sports either,and she is tall too,and she made the volleyball team. So maybe your friend will make it too.

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