
Do u think my gf was right 2....?

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do u thin my gf was right 2 give me another chanse i cheated on her 1nc she didnt flip bu tdid make me squirm and break down and now i love her so very much ill never hurt her agin and i mean never but do u think im worth having another chance




  1. everyone feels differently, and when your in that relationship people outside will have different feelings then the one's in the relationship for they don't have all the emotion tied up in it. Personally, I've been burned by too many guys cheating and cheating again. The pain is too much. If it ever happend again, i don't know that I could go thru it. I'd probably not take him back. Its soooo wonderful to have 100% trust in someone and them the same with me. And unfortunately, once someone cheats in the relationship, trust is lost. No matter how much you love the other person or how much your love and intentions are to never do it again. Its always in the back of the other persons mind. Maybe she is strong and can battle thru it. Its her choice.  But some, such as myself, could not. Plus, its not like your married. I guess if your gonna do it at some point in the relationship, then better to do it now while your young and no kids are involved, no marriage to divorce if it doesn't work out. Just please dont hurt her again. :(

  2. If you sincerely don't plan to hurt her again (i.e. you're not a serial cheater), then you need to forgive yourself just like she did and like God can if you ask. Don't worry about whether you deserve it or not. Nobody really "deserves" anything. You just hope that if you are truly sorry and don't want to be cut off that the other person will forgive you and stay with you.

    Everyone makes their own life choices and she made the choice to stay with you.  Don't dwell on if she should have forgiven you and if you deserve it.  Dwelling on this could lead you to depression and general feelings of unworthiness.

    Focus on rebuilding the trust you lost.  You won't get it all back though but don't worry about that. Do the things you think will help her to feel secure about your faithfulness from now on.

    Take care!

  3. My personal opinion is "Once a cheater, always a cheater", so, no I wouldn't have given you the chance.

    Since she has, I would be much obliged if you prove me wrong, and never do it again, and thank your lucky stars that you found someone so loving and forgiving, that gave you another chance at finding true happiness in your life.

    Best wishes (for both of you)

  4. Everyone makes their own choices.  I personally wouldn't have given you another chance.  No way, no way.  Why?  Because from that point forward, I would wonder if you were cheating on me.  I wouldn't be able to trust you ever again.

  5. Well you are just going to have to keep on doing all you can to make sure she made the right choice in keeping you. If you say that you will never hurt her again and you mean it with all your heart.....then yes she should give you one last chance.  

  6. I gave my fiance three chances, everyone thought I was crazy, but now, things are wonderful and have been for a while. We have grown from it, and grown together as a couple. We can't wait to get married and show our love to the world.

    She did what she thought was right. You are worth it in her eyes.  

  7. she gave you a chance. Prove it to her. Why worry? Unless deep down inside you still want to cheat on her???

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