
Do u think school buses for children have toilets facilites on them?

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Do u think school buses for children have toilets facilites on them?




  1. no

  2. School buses don't.  School buses are the yellow ones that you see all the time.

    Coach buses do.  These aren't used for anything other than long road trips.  Like 3 plus hours.  They have a bathroom much like the one you'd find on a plane.  They're usually white with a company name.

  3. They don't on school buses but they probably should. There is not much time to go to the bathroom between the end of school and the time kids need to be on the bus. If they extended that time slightly then there would be no need. I tell my sons to make a trip before school ends at the end of the day if they are riding the bus.

  4. no but thats a great idea..;-)

  5. No they dont

  6. OMG no. It's bad enough going on a coach with all adults on when there's a toilet on it. Someone does a 'real ring-stinger' in the kaasi, and it stinks the entire bus out.

  7. Where we are most of the schools use ordinary buses for the trip to and from school so no.  Also on any day trip my son's class has ever been on (school and nursery) the toilets on the coaches were out of order.

  8. not on my kids buses they don't

  9. public school buses do not

  10. Not the big yellow ones, but if a class rents a bus to go on a long trip, say an overnighter somewhere, that coach might have one.

  11. no but they should.

    some of these kids have to stay on the bus for up to an hour and a half just to get home from school. its ridiculous..

  12. No, if your concerned about having to use the bathroom either take your child or if you are the child have your parent take you to school.

  13. No at our childrens school they don't.

  14. nope, they dont.

  15. They don't, but maybe they should

  16. Yes. The floor.

  17. school buses to go on trips do i go to alma high school and every trip we go on we take a coach unless we are just going to the performing arts center.the yellow ones do not

  18. No they dont, how far do they travel

  19. as in school buses to and from school? or for a trip somwhere?

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