
Do u think some of the royal were not able to marry the one they actually love?

by Guest32177  |  earlier

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because the one that they love is just a normal commoner? neither of royal blood or rich




  1. Historically marriages were arranged between royal houses to consolidate power, end wars, make alliances, acquire land etc. There was little to do with love.

  2. Yes, because some of them don't really love each other. They're only forced to do so because of their rules.

  3. Apart from the heir to the throne, Elizabeth II's children have apparently married for love rather than for dynastic reasons:

    Anne, Princess Royal, first married Mark Phillips in 1973; the pair separated in 1989, and their divorce became final in 1992. DNA tests in 1992 confirmed that Phillips was the father of Felicity Tonkin of New Zealand (b. 1985).  Princess Anne is the mother of two children:

    ------Peter Mark Andrew Phillips (1977), as a banker with the Royal Bank of Scotland, Phillips undertakes no royal duties and maintains an extremely low profile, but he has been reputedly dating Canadian Autumn Kelly since 2003;

    ------ Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips (1981) does perform royal duties.  Zara lived with National Hunt jockey Richard Johnson for five years and is currently living with Mike Tindall, a Gloucester rugby player.

    In December 1992, Princess Anne married Timothy Laurence, whom she met while he was serving as an Equerry for the Queen.

    Although Prince Andrew's marriage to Sarah Ferguson didn't last, it was most definitely a love match.  Most of the couple's problems most likely stemmed from his long absences away from home while serving with the Royal Navy.  Meanwhile, relentless media attention focused on Fergie.  When the couple amicably divorced in 1996, they were granted joint custody of their two daughters.  The Duchess of York continued to live in Prince Andrew's home off and on until 2004 when she moved to New York City.  Although Andrew has been linked with numerous women since then, his main passion is golf.

    The youngest Royal brother, Edward, lived with Sophie Rhys-Jones for several years before his marriage in 1999.  The couple currently has one child, Lady Louise Windsor (b. 2003), although the Countess of Wessex is expecting a second child in December 2007.

    The Scandanavia royals seem to marry for love if the marriages of the Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian princes are any indication.  For example, in 2004, the current Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark married an Australian, Mary Donaldson, whom he met at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000.  Princess Mary is well-educated and quite attractive as shown in the following web link:

    Australians do up quite nice, don't they!

  4. Yes. I am related to Princess Anne of Parma (is now Italy, but was then Austria). She fell in love with an Italian commoner and couldn't bear life without him so she ran away and was married to him instead of staying Royalty and marrying someone she didn't love.

  5. Yes, sadly marriages are usually arranged.  But every once in a while a royal will step up and think outside the box and do as they please and actually marry their true love.

  6. I think that is the reason why they have never been faithful to the ones they do marry. They use to marry to extend the empire, stop a war, get in an ally etc. Now days they have to marry what the court decrees is acceptable despite the fact they do not.

  7. Dane Lady..............the thing is Margaret COULD have married Townsend, but she chose to retain her title of PRINCESS............the Queen [her sister] stated that if she did marry him then the title would be gone and that the choice was totally hers so I think it is doubly sad that Anne could pick having a nice name to call her self and of course the royal purse that comes with it RATHER than marry Group Capt Townsend.

    And in regards to the actual question, Charles not only could he not marry THAT women due to her not being a virgin, but it is wrote in the Constitution that he was not to marry a divorcee, how they have got around it now baffles me no end.......look back to Edward and Mrs Simpson, he had to abdicate due to her being one.

    Also Charles had to have children to pass along the line.


  8. Yes! Just take a look at history. Marriage among royals and nobility was done for economic or political reasons. For example, look at the case of Mary Tudor and King Philip II of Spain, Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragorn, Nicholas II and Alexandra of Russia (she was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria) Then you have Henri II of France who was married to Catherine de Medicis, who was no great beauty; the love of Henri's life was his mistress Diane de Poitiers. The list is endless. It is only in more recent times that love entered the marriage equation.

  9. I think that is probably true for all /most the royals. Although I dnt think it wld happen so much now!

  10. Yep, most likely true.

  11. Yes,without a doubt but ,it has been happening for hundreds of years

  12. I think they're learning from what happened to Diana but they do have to have a certain amount of breeding. I couldnt imagine anybody other than upper (Diana, Queen Mother) or upper-middle class (sophie R -Jones) marrying into the royal family.

  13. Charles and Camilla are a perfect example of that.  The reason they couldn't marry is because she wasn't a virgin.  I think that we can all agree that if they were allowed to marry back then, there would have been a lot less heart ache and pain on all sides!

  14. Princess Margaret was a particular case in point. She was not allowed to marry Peter Townsend because he was both divorced and a commoner. Her subsequent marriage was a disaster, and the rest of her life not much better.

    There have been many instances of that over the centuries. George IV's marriage to Caroline of Mecklenburg was even worse. Though he was already secretly illegally married to Maria Fitzherbert, the love of his life.

    A bit of research in this area will lead to some fascinating reading.

    Edit - Candy, Margaret was given a choice, but she would have to forfeit her place on the civil list if she married Townsend. Money won out.

  15. What's love go to do with it?

    Royalty - at least in the UK - is about keeping the business and treasure in house and keeping at bay the 'little people' (to quote Charles).

  16. yea true you never know

    (mybe the queen did)

  17. I think that it is true for most of the royals with the exception of King George VIII.  He abdicated the throne after two years to marry American divorcee Wallace Simpson.  They lived happily ever after.

  18. They couldn't necessarily marry whomever they chose, but they did lots of fooling around with their chosen one on the side.

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