
Do u think somthing is wrong with my sunburn?

by  |  earlier

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Well I went tanning in a tanning bed on Friday and now its Tuesday it does not hurt at all but on my stomach its really red and it does not look like my stomach is getting any better and its peeling to.. then my back, arms, and legs are starting to go into a tan

do u think i need to see a Doctor?




  1. Honestly it sounds like you got a pretty nasty sunburn but that it's starting to heal.  My guess is that the lights that were focused on your stomach were turned up too high.  You should be okay but your concerned about it I'd give your doc's office a call and explain what happened to them.  More than likely they'll tell you that it's nothing to worry about and that there's no need to be seen.  But do whatever is going to give you peace of mind.  But to answer your question, no I don't think you need to see a doctor.

  2. Use sunless tanners in the future or stay as you are. Pale skin is still s**y if you're in good shape.  

  3. It sounds like your stomach is burnt, maybe it had more exposure than the other parts of your body. As a pastey white person who can't get a tan, I am very familiar with sunburns and can tell you this is normal.

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