
Do u think that because someone is a young mother they are a bad mother!?

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so u think that becasue i am 17 i am going to be a bad mother? im due december 7th and i have got nothin but bad feed back and was wonderinwat everyone else thinks.




  1. Yeah - like you don't have enough to worry about!!! (sarcasm)

    Being a mom is the hardest thing you'll ever do - and being 17 you have so much less life experience and wisdom then you will at 27, 37, 87.... and lets face it - teenagers are dumb -- look at some of the things your friends and people at school do!!

    I think the likleyhood of being a 'bad' mom is higher with younger moms -- but it depends on SO many other factors - I know lots of older people who are bad moms..... look at Brittney Spears!!

    If you love your child, and do absolutly everything you can for him/her - including taking care of yourself and getting in a position to support you both - you'll be an awesome mom.

    It is much easier to have a child if you are done with school, have a home, decent job, money, a decent car, an awesome husband, and have done ALL the stuff you wanted to do before you had kids - and then you decide (with your hubby) that you want to bring a child into your family...... of course - thats the ideal -- and as a teen - you have little, if any of those things -- so it is going to be SO much harder - but that doesn't mean you'll be a bad mom.

    I had a lot of that stuff done when we decided to have kids - I was 25 or so -- well everything went to *****  and I was a bad mom for a while -- now I have far less of those things and I am a way better mom....

    Point being -- do the right thing, educate yourself, ask for help when you need it, and take the best care of your baby that you can - you'll do fine - people will judge no matter what you do, so get used to it!!

    Oh - and congrats on the baby -- you are about to have the most awesome experience you will ever have in your life - enjoy it as much as you can cuz they get big fast!!

  2. it is not that you will be a bad mother, you are just young and inexperienced in the world. you dont understand all of the problems you will face. you think you do, but trust me you really dont. but, if you have your mind set that you are going to be a good mom, then you can be! good luck to you! and dont let everyone get you down! you can do it, it is just going to be hard...but what is easy about motherhood at any age? :)

  3. No way, age has nothing to do with it. It may be harder to be a parent at a young age, but I know many young mothers who are great! My mom was 30 when she had me and she is, in my opinion, what others would consider a bad mother. She just wasn't cut out for motherhood. I love her, but she just doesn't have that love of children. You will be just fine. For most of us, it just comes naturally!The fact that you even ask this question and worry shows that you will love your baby very much and already care about his/her future and life. You will be a great mom! Congrats!

  4. no! I know a girl who had a baby at 14( i know she was young) but she is such a good mother and always has been she is in her late 20's now and she has always been there and goes above and beyond to do for her daughter! i also know mothers that are 50 and are horrible parents! so u cant put an age on whether someone will be a  good parent or not!

  5. Age has nothing to do with parenting skills.  Every first time mother starts with no experience no matter what the age.  Just make sure your baby is safe, loved, clean and well fed.  Good luck!

  6. When I became pregnant with my first my Dr. told me to put on a pair of imaginary blinders and wear imaginary earplugs. No one has any sence when talking to pregnant women, especially when they think they know what is best for you. Try and seperate yourself from those that you can. My sister had my niece when she was 13, and she is one of the best mothers and one of the strongest women i know. I am sorry you aren't getting the support you need, and deserve. Age has nothing to do with successful parenting. Your situation may be more difficult than that of others, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to do the job well. I have seen horrible parenting and wonderful parenting at all age levels. It is not easy, but the rewards are endless. All of those sleepless nights are well worth that first "I love you Mommy".

    Hang in there.

  7. No, I don't believe that your age would make you a bad mother.  However, your life circumstances at age 17 will probably make parenting a bigger challenge.

    If you want to help to ensure that you will be a particularly good mother to your children, you can do something that most people don't:  You can find a clinician to assess your attachment style through the Adult Attachment Interview, and work with you to improve your attachment style so that your baby will securely attach to you.  The securely attached child is the well-adjusted child.

  8. Having s*x at a young age, as children, isn't acceptable nor moral.  It doesn't make one a "bad" mother, it's that the child has lost all sense of decency and responsibility once the child has decided to have s*x, protected or not.

    Children aren't to be parents.  They should be instilled with morals and values.

  9. No.

  10. I do not think that young mothers are bad least not all of them,but there are some bad apples that give us that great stereotype we have now.

    Its just the arrogant a$$holes that think we will all end up bad mothers.

    In all reality being young has nothing to do with it because an older woman can be a horrible mother just like a younger one can be. There are plenty of HORRID mothers that I've heard of that were in their 30's and 40's and have newborns and PLENTY of young mothers being GREAT mother... I am 21 and have 2 daughters and another baby on the way and my kids ALWAYS come first NO MATTER WHAT! They get what they need before anything I need...and also I'm not the standard stereotype of a teen mom(had my first daughter at 17) seeing as the father of my children is STILL with me,and we are now married and he is the ONLY man I have ever slept with in my HA on you jerks who bash teen moms!

    If you can take care and provide for your child then I don't think it matters WHAT your age is...a good mother is not classified through age..she is classified through her actions,her devotion,and her unconditional love towards her child/ren

  11. You are considered a bad mother if you neglect your child. Not because of your age. Don't let other people get to you. If you are happy about the baby than you will be a great mother. Just tell everyone else that it's rude to judge you and stick their nose in your business. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

  12. Being a good parent is up to you. No matter how old you are. As long as you take care of your baby, and your responsibilites you will be a good mom. People just judge younger moms b/c they didnt do it the same way. I had my daughter at 20 and got c**p too, even though I was married. Just fight your way to the top and prove them all wrong. Good luck mom!

  13. Age has nothing to do with ability.  It is, however, a stigma you may always have to deal with.  I'm sure everyone's fears will melt away as they see how great you're doing with your child.  My sister in-law gave birth to my nephew when she was 17 and he's the sweetest little boy, an honor student, and I honestly think she is the one of the (if not the) best mother i've ever met.

  14. of course not. I was a young mother when I got my first son (a long long time ago), I was 17...but I was a great mom, I obviously didn't know much....but I was very open to learn and I had a lot of  adult moms around me who were eager to teach me (mother in law, my mom, my friend's mom).  

    You will be the best mom your baby ever has, but you have to acknowledge that you really don't know much about babies, so be willing to learn and if someone for some reason judges you for making a small mistake ,which is totally normal...what new mom hasn't needed help with the first baby bath, or even on putting a diaper (that happened to me and my then husband, we didn't know how to put the diaper and we put it backwards, I had a c-section so when I laughed it hurt really bad, but it was funny)'ll learn, and believe already are a good mom...because you chose to have him, you are already going in a good path....Good Luck!

  15. there is an old saying "Anyone can be a mother but it takes someone special to be a mommy"

    the saying doesnt have an age to it.

    Age shouldnt effect your parenting but be sure that you listen to advice but dont follow it unless you are sure of what you are doing.  Check with the baby doctor if someone tells you something that just doesnt seem right.  Love your baby with all of your heart and remember your children are not always right.

    you will do fine.

    congradulations and good luck.

  16. No.. Honestly.. Im 14 And Might Be Pregnant... Its Too Early For A test So Its Not Official.. But If You AsK Me.. Im Very Happy For Myself.. Im Ready To Take On The Challenge And Be A Early Teen Mom... And Hun.. ""Age Doesnt Define How Good Of A Mother You Are"". So Keep Your Head Up

  17. Your age does not determine if you are going to be a good mother or not. You can be a good mother. There are plenty of older people that should not have had kids. They do not come with an owners manual. You do what you think is best for your baby and learn from your mistakes. Love them like nothing else and always put them first. Do not listen to the nay sayers. Good luck to you.

  18. NO! if you're getting bad feedback from certain people, then stop talking to those people! you need to believe in yourself now more than ever! i didn't have my first child until i was 26 and STILL people thought that baby would never live a day with me taking care of him... some people just want to be knowitall old bitties...

    surefire way to be good mom in 3 steps:

    1. take good care of yourself.

    2. take good care of your baby.

    3. keep up with your schooling.

    pull those 3 steps off, and you're already better than a lot of OLD moms i know!

    tc and congrats on the newest member!

  19. age has nothing to do with it as long as u take good care of ur baby and provide what baby needs u will be fine dont worry about what others think sweety u will do good

  20. No just cuz you are young does not mean that you are unable to care for your child,  just remember it take a girl to make a child but a women to care for it.

  21. hey hun

    i know what you mean, i too am 17 and i have a daughter and im pregnant again.

    you are not going to be a bad mum if you dont want to be. bad mums choose to be like that. they have a choice. there are a lot of 30-40+ year old mums that dont look aftre their kids, so its not an age thing.


  22. Just because you are young does not mean u will be a bad mother!! Today most people are haveing their babies @ like...age 30. About a century (maybe a bit longer) girls were haveing babies @ 15, 16 and u dont hear anything bad about that. People are just unsure because it is unusual for this day and age. Just as long as u are comited 2 it, no matter what age, u should be fine

  23. NO WAY!

  24. Being young has nothing to do with being a good or bad mother. I bet that you are going to ROCK at being a mother!! I'm hopeing that you will! LOL.

  25. I was 22 when i had my first and that was and still is considered young in the century we are in.  Women are having children in their mid thirties now.  Age is not much of a factor when it comes to being a good parent.  Its your mindset, if you want to be a good parent you probably will do all you can to be and that's what matters the most.  I know of mothers who are 40+ who are far from being as "great" as they dare boast to be.  

    I can honestly tell you that some of these 40+ old parents really have a lot of nerve to look down at younger parents when they are far from having it all todether.

  26. No, you can be a great mother! Good Luck! Your baby's going to be born around my b-day: Dec. 11th. I'm 17 too

  27. being young has nothing to do with being a bad parent you can be an amazing parent even though you are 17 good luck with your baby

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