
Do u think that greg norman will ever win the open again?

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is the greg gonna win it again at 50 something of age!




  1. No.

  2. Golf is such a day to day sport...

    you never know...greg norman could get hot next year for four days and tear up the open

    its one of those things, who's to say??

  3. No.  This past week was his last best chance.  Any pro can get hot for a week stretch and then disappear never to be heard from again ie Michael Campbell, Todd Hamilton, etc etc.  I do commend Greg Norman, he played excellent this past week.

  4. Maybe the Screen Door Open. This was a fluke, much like Rocco Mediate at the US Open. Both Opens are usually a matter of attrition, as was this one. Enjoy it for what it was.

  5. no he will pull a muscle in his back and be done for his career

  6. No.  He's too stuck on his old-timer way to play golf.  The only way he'll even have a chance is if he changes his mentality about modern golf competition and start managing the course.  Hitting drivers in to 35+mph side wind!  Stupid.  Even my son knows better than that !!  All he proved to the world was how stupid is his ego.

  7. I think he just let his best chance get away, it's not gonna happen though.

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