
Do u think that love knows no gender?

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Do u think that love knows no gender?




  1. Yes, I do. True love is unconditional, color blind, and gender blind.  

  2. seriously dude i agree but what pisses me off alot is that what to g*y men/lesbians do in their love life seems to be their buisness yet when its straights its like meh what ever i mean come on seriously! it doesnt affect you ugh it rly annoys me hissy fit moment i know but ... its the truth

  3. yup.  

  4. um, i guess it does not because if it did then 100% of the world would be BI.

  5. Yes. Well put.

  6. Love knows no is boundless =]

  7. This is quite demonstrably so.

  8. Yes, I would think it's blatantly obvious.

    And homosexuality isn't a "modern" thing, It's been here for centuries. Greeks practiced homosexuality freely and so did other cultures.

    in the animal kingdom, there are species of animals that have been found having relations with the same s*x, like bottlenosed dolphines, orcas, West indian manatees, lions, penguins...

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