
Do u think that.........?

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this girl likes me? we've known each other since 5th grade (4 years ago) and in 6th grade she helped me get a gf so we were more friends and we were better friends in 7th grade (2 years ago) and in 8th grade my best friend was her bf (and he never let us talk to each other, but we still did anyway lol.) i mean we text all the time and a couple days ago we had this high school orientation going into the high school and the second she saw me her eye brows eyes and face kinda went up and waved to me and i waved back, and then when we got our schedules she came over to me and was like what team do u have and i said 4 and shes like oh cool me too. and this year (if she likes me) i think we will go out cuz her bf went to a different school. i mean shes dropping all these hints on me. but the only thing that I'm wondering is that not a lot of girls like me so what does she see in me? i mean its gotta be cuz we've known each other for so long that she likes me cuz a lot of girls are not interested probably cuz my looks, i mean I'm not ugly. I'm 14 and so is she, so yea do u think she likes me? and yea she has a great personality and is really pretty. thanks




  1. she might have something for you

    or she might just see you as a good friend, someone she can talk to

    because thats how it seems for me sometimes

    i just think of them as a friend, but they asked me out...

    but good luck on what you're planning to do! :)

  2. It sounds to me like you're just friends, but on your way to something more. You don't want to ruin what appears to be a great friendship, so I'd wait a little while to preserve it.

  3. The girl likes you, stop wasting time doubting yourself and get with her!

    She obviously is feelin you, you better make a move before she thinks you aren't that into her. She obviously trusts you, and it's a really great thing when a relationship cqan start off of a friendship because you guys are already comfortable with each and know each other really well!

    Good luck, let me know how it goes!

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