
Do u think that student should have more burden on their studies?

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Do u think that student should have more burden on their studies?




  1. h**l NO

    Academic is to educate us, its important, but what's equally being important is to actually be a kid, be a teenage, be a human

    Being a kid is about playing, exploring their creativity, mixing around with other kids. These are the things we don't learn in school. Text books do not teach us how to make friends, how to socialize well, how to mix well with people. These are the things we need to go out there and do it in order to learn it.

    The process of growing up does not depends on academic. It makes a person knowledgeable and arguably smart, BUT it does NOT make a a person, a person. A complete person takes more than just academic.

    So, as important as academic is, it should not interfere with our social life, it should not interfere with the process of growing up of a person.

    More academic burden is only going to take away all the time a person has to be a kid. A person cannot get to be a kid only for 6 years and then study their life off, and work till they die. They should be a kid for as long as they should.

  2. No because it takes away the joy of learning. How can you really focus on what you need to be studying if you are too burden down

    to concentrate.

  3. no because other than school we do have other worries, now most students have kids so idk

  4. I know in present days there is heavy burden on their studies

  5. The students are all ready having plenty of work . I don't thing it is desirable to give them  more burden . It is better to give them sufficient time for relaxation, recreation, pursuing   hobbies and games. These are all necessary for their overall  development.

  6. Students shouldn feel their studies as a burden, instead they should enjoy wat they are studying. Being a student myself I know what are the difficulties when the studies become a burden. The institution where the students study and the teachers/lecturers who teach there should provide such an environent that the students'll love to study and gain more and more knowledge. When the students love their teachers or lecturers then automatically they do their class work with affection towards it which gradually becomes a routine process..  

  7. Well, like they say, a little competition can always bring out the best in people. And that's the same with stress. A little bit of stress or pressure can be a good thing, 'cause it could get you to do better and have more of a goal etc...

    And life after school will be full of stress and even though students want to focus on their school work and school life etc... the reality is, life afterwards, the life that you're educating yourself for, will not be as "stress-free". You will have to deal with other burdens etc...  

  8. There should be a gradual burden , but not a sudden burden.

  9. yes they should

  10. nooooooooo

  11. Yeah....................................

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