
Do u think that the basic nature of a person changes in life???

by Guest63701  |  earlier

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what r ur opinions abt it???




  1. yes

  2. yes.  sometimes in one's 30's/40's the person will be almost opposite from how they were in their teens/20's.  comes from learning/adapting/changing

  3. Perhaps not the BASIC nature, but certainly how they interact outside or at work with the rest of the world.

    Then again, some people will totally re-invent themselves down the line to someone they perceive as more preferable. Whether its perferable to society if another matter. Many people will behave a certain way and then, after marriage, and A LOT after having children, it changes again.

    I think if your life, as you see it, is not working for you, then change it for the BETTER. For the better, b/c you are just one in a society that has to function somewhat, so if you're going to change to become a serial criminal, that's not for the betterment of society.

    I believe in self & societal improvement.

  4. well, i believe that the thinking of a person changes from time to time by experiences and atmosphere around but the basic bringing up of a person matters a lot....the basic nature is the mentality of a person, which remains almost the same throughout his life....i.e. it remains almost one sided

  5. to satisfay his non satisfaction

  6. Definately.

    And there is no limit on when those changes can take place.

  7. absolutely!

    I grew up in an abusive home, I was habitually beaten, and burned with cigarettes as punishment for my psychic gifts.

    Today about 50 years later I still carry those knots and scars on my body.

    When I was 12 I started asking the big questions;

    "Why does a kind loving God allow this to happen to a child?"

    "Why do bad things happen to good people?"


    Then at 14 I decided that there was no God, and lived for about 25 years as an atheist.

    Then in 1996 I had an experience with Padre Pio. I still was not ready to accept there there was a creator, then about 10 months later I was meditating and sending energy to my injured ankle; when I heard a soft pop in my chest and found myself near the ceiling looking down on my own meditating body.

    That first OBE gave me confirmation of life after death and a spiritual awakening

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