
Do u think the charging of the two Perak Exco is a political conspiracy?

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Do u think the charging of the two Perak Exco is a political conspiracy?




  1. Why when on their site they said like that but when on govt side they just keep quiet...seems the true is revealed!

  2. I dont care if they r really involved in the corruption. Every politician takes bribery though.

    Its just i dont want the same party having that benefit.

  3. It looks like it.

    It smells like it.

    It sounds like it.

  4. Looking at the swift action by the ACA and the timing of the arrests , it was undeniably a conspiracy. Political conspriacies have happened many times before in Malaysia, so this Perak conspiracy does not come as a suprise to many. In my opinion, this will just backfire the BN government. The more "conspiracies" they created, the less support they'll receive from Malaysians.

  5. it fhey took money illegaly, can we say it is a conspiracy?  

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