
Do u think the council should make a place where u can street racing legal in the uk?

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i live in newport gwent (wales) uk

i would love 2 do street racing

in a safe place and not get in troble with the law

just where people can meet up and look at there cars and then race them if u wonted

do u think it a good idea

it would take all the boyz races of the road

it could be like a night out for all the cars heads who love there cars

how could u go about opening a place where u could do it to

all it have 2 be is like a feild covered with tar

put barriers on it on the race track

do u think it a good idea then?

email me on




  1. no as it would cost a fortune to police and the piblic liabilty insurance would cost too much look round there are plenty of drag strips race tracks that do run what you bring races

  2. I live in the USA.

    There are places where it is legal and places where it is not legal.

    The legal places involve people paying money for admission to place where regular traffic does not go, there's medical people on stand by.

    However, there is a huge sub-culture of people who get jollies from doing things that are illegal and dangerous.  So the legal alternatives don't solve the problem of people doing illegal activities on the public highways.

  3. The only problem that I can see with you idea is liability for the person that owns the property if someone was to get hurt or killed, this would be nightmare for everyone........................

  4. ~If the council are willing to provide it, are you and your friends willing to pay for it?

    I think that the council tax payers would think that the councils money could be put to better use.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not against what you want to do, but to provide that sort of facility would need funding, and don't forget you might also need Public Liability Insurance, as you would get people coming to watch.

  5. It may seem like a good idea, but unfortunately it is not.  Any form of racing is technically “motor sport,” which immediately invalidates normal insurance, and makes any type of street-race or even off-road race illegal, and also makes the drivers liable for death, injury or damage to property.

    It is for this reason that the RAC motor-sports division exists, which acts as the official body representing both the government and those who take part in motor-sport. They also have very strict rules about the safety aspects of crowd-control, car construction and other factors such as public nuisance and noise.

    What kids do on bikes in parks is one thing, but when it turns to fast cars in unregulated places, it is a recipe for disaster.

    Don’t for one minute think that I am being a kill-joy, because I’m not. When I was in my teens 40 years ago, we had “road-rallying” which took place on a Saturday night in the more remote regions of the country. They were fast, furious events, which really were on marginally legal (to say the least). Even though the legal speed-limit was 70mph, most of the cars would be charging through the countryside at speeds of up to 120mph, and it was tremendous fun, even if it did run the gauntlet of the law. However, because it was officially recognised as a branch of motor-sport, at least people were insured, and at least the cars were scrutineered to ensure relative safety.

    Of course, after a while, the Police killed it off after objecting to the speeds reached, and the dangers to the public (no deraths or serious injuries were ever recorded to the best of my knowledge).

    So died a sport which many young drivers could enjoy semi-legally, yet it could be very different.

    We can close roads for cycle races and marathons, but whenever anyone suggest closing public roads for motor-sport in this miserable country, people rise up in anger. In other countries, such as Ireland, The Isle of Man, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Argentina, Spain. Monet Carlo (etc), road-closure is allowed, and even local people enjoy the spectacle and gather to watch, or lean out of their windows.

    By all means find a way of doing something legally, but it isn’t doing the cause of motor-sport any good when illegal events take place on promenades and in supermarket car-parks.

    It is dangerous, it is illegal and people are going to get killed.

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