
Do u think the drinking age in the uk will go up to 21 soon?

by  |  earlier

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I got a feeling it will coz of scotland and that and also probably jus to annoy me coz wen i turned 16 the smoking age went up to 18 n i bet wen i turn 18 the drinking age will go up to 21! Lol




  1. I don't care it wouldn't affect me.

  2. I doubt it.

  3. Firstly Don't Smoke it's not smart..secondly Yes I think it will go to 21 for drinking like in The States..if you do under age drink be moderate and sensible and don't be in such a hurry to grow up !

  4. The longer Gordon Brown flounders about the sillier and more restrictive his policies seem to get - with any luck he'll get booted out after he loses Glasgow East.  Then there will have to be a General Election.


  6. I hope so.

  7. yeah they are thinking about it. god knows what they will do next, the government does the exact opposite of what the public want, gordon browns a t**t. and he thinks it will stop underage drinking?! he is so naive, if you dont give people what they want they want it more, so it will just drive underage drinking underground and actually make more people want to rebel! aargh! mini rant there lol, just things like this really p**s me off

  8. Yes it will, and when the politicians see how much money they lose, road tax will rise to £10,000 a yearto make up for it.

  9. look it doesn`t solve anthing by putting the drinking age 21

    it was 21 a very long time ago so was the voting age

    people forget that the legal age a person is classed as an adult is 18 this means they have full adult rights

    parents forget this 18 year olds themselves forget this

    before 1969 the legal age when a person became an adult was 21 it was 21 for a very long time, this mean`t anyone under 21 was classed as a minor and needed parental consent to do things like marry

    under 21 you could not buy or rent a house in your own name you couldn`t vote nor bet thats why couldn`t have the key until 21

    but in 1970 this all changed the government passed a new family law reform act in 1969, which came into force in 1970

    the age of majority was reduced from 21 to 18  which mean`t everything you could do at 21 became 18 from then on18 year olds didn`t need consent and they can rent and own a house and do the same things as adults can do .

  10. Sincerely hope so.

  11. No!  I  heard  that  30  pubs  are  closing  every  week.  The  government  needs  to  get  the  money  from  somewhere.

  12. In England people don't start to grow up till at least 41, lol !

  13. Soon yes because you they dont trust us anymore.

  14. Yes i think it should

  15. Hahaa

    I hope it doesn't go up!

  16. Be a very good idea,  needs to be strictly policed thouigh.   No teenagers in night clubs etc,

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