
Do u think the homeless people are lazy and choose their lives to be like that or something unfortunate happen

by  |  earlier

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ed to them and they are forced to live on the streets or shelters? Im talking about homeless in America. thanks




  1. no cause some people are veterins and cant get work or people who cant afford a house or anything. but there is a small amount of people who choose it

  2. I think it's unrealistic to believe somebody lazy chooses homelessness.

  3. i'm sure for some people it's a choice, but I'm sure the vast majority have had something terribly misfortunate happen to them such as loss of job and no one will hire them, they lost their spouse and children in a car wreck and see no point in going on...

  4. it's a choice, and not that bad considering the other pressures they have given up.

  5. I used to work in a homeless shelter and it's a combination of many factors actually. Many suffer from mental illness and are unable to locate or maintain their resources. Many have been abandoned and feeling fear, choose to stay in a familiar place. There are lots however who are just downright unmotivated to change for whatever reason. I was a counselor there and these were our 3 most common run-ins with the clients.

  6. sometimes it is not a choice. it really depends on the individual. some are mentally ill. that is not their fault, it is most likely hereditary. other times, it is a choice, whether it is a gambling problem, drinking problem, convicts, etc.

    but how about for the guy on the street who lost his family to a house fire when he was at work one day and most of the income came from his wife. he's homeless now. no family, no friends to go to. he didn't choose to live like that...

  7. No, there are hundreds of people in  the US right now one pay check away from being homeless. Circumstance, plays a major role in our homeless situation. It is people from all walks of life in this predicament. To classify them into one lump is called stereotyping.

  8. some have no choice and sum are lazy i worked with a guy that was homeless cuz his house burend down and had no family to stay with

  9. It's all about choice.If you've been diagnosed with mental problems,go,get meds STAY ON THEM! That is the #1 reason why cops have to lock up nut cases,they REFUSE to stay on their meds! Being a drunk or junkie again is a CHOICE! The streets are a choice!

  10. Well there is both in my opinion. If you are not mentally ill or missing body parts there shouldn't be any reasons why you cant get a job.  I have seen many people that look like in their late 20's or early 30's asking for money. Thats is just being lazy.

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