
Do u think the mcdonalds in south india caters to south indian tastes??

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Do u think the mcdonalds in south india caters to south indian tastes??




  1. No way.The south Indian taste for Rasam,sambhar,vada,dosa, etc is unique in its own way and Mcdonalds have not yet been able to catch up to it.May be some day in the future.

  2. I can say the ones in Pakistan are very similar to those in the US. The only difference was they didn't do breakfast, and all the meats were certified Halal.

    I would think the same may apply in Southern India. So don't think the Big Mac is made as Seekh Kababs or anything.

  3. HeHe

  4. no,becoz they dont have any food items like rasam ,sambar is not according to south indian tastes provides western foods like burger,french friesetc.but one thing  is  that they dont contain beef.

  5. No not at all.

    They do not have any diish with the predominant flavour of fresh spices or with coconut .

    However who ever i have asked (i mean the south indians)they appreciate the taste.

    However it is also not possible to please every taste bud in the wide country .

  6. yes i no for  a fact they sell many indian foods and no beef, thats why thers so succecful

  7. No, categorically not.

    McDonald's in India has (almost) a standardised taste  throughout India. They don't serve beef or pork and have almost a common menu at their outlets except with one exception that they have a pure vegetarian outlet in Gujarat - perhaps on experimental basis, where they don't serve even chicken or mutton.

  8. Does Mc Donalds cater to Indian tastes? NO they don't.  They will cater in very small ways sometimes in order to keep the doors open and obey the local requirements.   McDs approaches emerging markets like a child predator. McDs sells "Happy Meals" don't they???  They are simply in India to make $$$.  Doesn't really matter if they are American Dollars or Chinese Yen they are teaching the kids worldwide to eat their junkfood.  It's all about $$$.   Happymeals [with TOY] are very well received world wide.

  9. Not really South Indian taste but yes as per Indian taste.

    Its equally true for Chinese food or Pizza.  I dont think an average Indian can relish the authentic flavor of Chinese food or Pizza or burgers.

  10. i think there are differences on each region

  11. Absolutely. All the preparations are in coconut oil and they put boiled bananas instead of potatoes in their patties. They also have a new item instead of paneer salsa which is very similar to our Dosa called "Rice a Wrap"

  12. I remember reading a couple years ago that because of the belief that cows are sacred in India McDonald's does not put the beef flavoring into the french fries and does not serve beef hamburgers. I think they use turkey or a vegetable patty. So I would believe on that respect that it does. It would also probably matter of the availability of the ingredients and if the restaurant sends product through a mass retailer or a regional.

  13. a

  14. ya...rite.......... mc veggie wid sambar........... dats wat u want?????

  15. i assume it does, in the philippines the mcdonalds meal comes with noodles and rice ahaha

  16. yes!

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