
Do u think the name amber is cool hot pretty or ugly??

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my name is amber and i just don't know if my name is pretty name a hot name a cool name or an ugly name i know our names are special and so on but i'm going in jr. high and i want to know what u think of my name plz tell the truth the one i think is more truthful get's 10 points!! thanx tonz!!

- amber




  1. I don't think of it as being cool, hot, or pretty, I think of it as being common. I know A LOT of people named Amber.

  2. colors for names are dumb.

    that was real truthful.

  3. Amber is like so HOOOTTTT

  4. Beautiful...

  5. i think its a nice name. but... well dont take this seriously but well.. when i think amber i think yellow light then i think yellow then i think sorry. but its a nice name. it sounds like a preppy name though..

  6. I like the name, and have a fondness for the name since I read a story about expectant parents searching for a nickname free name to call their daughter.

      They chose Amber.   They stood corrected, when their son greeted his new sister by  " Hi Amberger."

      If I had had a Daughter I would have used that name (Wife permitting).  I have had only sons to name, but I have a Daughter-in-law with that name.

      It is also a rich golden-yellow colored gem.  and

    lets not forget  Diamonds are just coal that's been under allot of pressure.

  7. In my opinion, Amber is a lovely name.

  8. To be completely honest, the first word that comes to mind is "s**t."  It''s nothing personal, though, obviously, because I don't know the second thing about you.  (The first thing being named Amber.)  I probably just got that thought from some mean character on a television show or something.

  9. i think its cool and pretty thats why i wanna name my daughter amber ;)

  10. I like that name but be careful because this is a "chatty" question and you don't want to get into trouble with Yahoo Answers for posting what they think is chat.

    For your information:


    Chemistry: Approximately C10H16O; Succinic acid.

    Class: Mineraloids

    Uses: Ornamental stone, gemstone and semi-precious stone.

    Amber, or fossil tree sap, was made famous in the movie "Jurassic Park". Amber is a beautiful stone that is cut and polished and used as a valuable gemstone. It is also a fossil and can contain many preserved insects and other animals and plants that are tens of millions of years old. The odd inclusions that are often seen in amber usually add to amber's unique look and in many cases greatly increase its value.

    Find out more here:  

  11. It is totally hot.

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