
Do u think there is a spells for me to not think a guy that i hate? i want him out my mind, but i can't get ?

by  |  earlier

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do u think there is a spells for me to not think a guy that i hate? i want him out my mind, but i can't get ?

him off, he is like a glue that stuck in my head. is there a good Innocent spell




  1. i would honestly just tell him not to interfere with me anymore.  but if you want try these websites:

  2. Nothing is MAKING you think about him

    He's "stuck" in your head because you keep pouring the glue to keep him there...

    Reciting some "magic words" will not "unstick" him.

    The only way you can get him out of your head is to stop thinking about him and only YOU can do that.

    Move on with your life...think about other things for long enough and the glue will melt and he'll be gone :)

  3. It's called forgive and forget.

    You don't need a spell.

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