
Do u think there is a world like Harry Potters own?

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i think there is but i thinks its kept secret by some magical people unknown in this world and i also think that there are secret portals to get there i know it sounds unreal


Do u think there is a world like Harry Potters own




  1. no.  there aren't magical people unknown in this world, and there aren't secret portals.

  2. a world like that of harry potter? highly unlikely :) if it were real then the holy church of rome would do anything to destroy the witches for dabbling into magic, any good christian knows that power that is not from god is considered to be demonic.

  3. I do not know if there is a world Mystical and Magical within the one more common to our eyes. As the one you mention. But if interested look also for this is called; "The Beautiful Room" and writer Franz Kafka spoke of it in great detail..Only he had come to peek into it...but could not enter..because the room was only to be enjoyed and inhabited by not one second less than an Eternity, by 2 Extraordinary people who truly loved one another.

    Look it up, if you'd like to hear BEAUTY described by a Master!

  4. no.

    haha.. someone's been reading harry potter too long.

    with today's technology we would have found it already.

    magic doesnt exist.

  5. Magick does exist, just not in the flashy, showy way that movies and books make it appear.

  6. I believe that there are many, parallel universes, existing at the same time. Some are the same, some different, some in the past, some the future.

    Each decision can lead to a myriad of outcomes, each one played out in its own universe.

    Who's to say that in one of thoes we can't all do magic?

    That evolution took a different turn and that everyone has wings?

    Anything and everything is possible.

  7. If you haven't even read the books, then how can you ask about it?

    Hmmm...and no, there's no such thing--it's all fantasy.

  8. Well I dont know about you all but I know Dumbeldore is real. He lives in my cupboard and every morning and he magics me up some lovely breakfast and lends me his Nimbus 2000 to fly to school! :)

  9. No.  There's not.  That's why it's called fiction.  Magic isn't real.  It's simply illusions, and actual wizards do not exist.

  10. I personally believe there is a king of magic (not the same as the magic of Hollywood wizards) that is in this world. There are also probably communities of people that are connected to this magic. I don't believe that it's "protected" like a hidden gem or something. You just have to look and train.

  11. If you get high then you can go anywhere !

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