
Do u think there is another world after death?

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Do u think there is another world after death?




  1. Yes. Just as I can’t penetrate how I came to be, it would be foolish to think I can be told how I will end.

  2. After Death the another world for whom who is dead

    then definately another birth then another death and this vicious cirlcle of death and birth will continue till the clutches of time.

  3. People wrongly think that they will go to heaven if they are doing no harm to their fellow beings. You have to do a lot of prayer if you want to be anywhere that is good. If you are bad, eg if you are a female and you want to prostitute then you go to the animal kingdom for 10,000 years. There are no other worlds to go to after you die. There are many planets but these palnets are not meant to take you on.

  4. Yes.

    All the revealed scriptures, the spiritual masters and the saintly persons all emphatically state that this material world is temporary and we have to go back home, back to Godhead which is our original place.

  5. It can't be proven or disproven beyond reasonable doubt, and arguing over its existence will only lead to drama, which will not lead to lulz.  

  6. Yes - in heaven. (by the way, I'm not a religious nut)

  7. The Swaminarayan Sampradaya is a Bhakti Sampradaya which advocates God within the disciplines of Dharma. Lord Swaminarayan has propagated a philosophy where He says that God is Supreme, has a divine form, is the all doer and always present on earth. He simply states that jivas never merge or dissolve into God and neither are they part of God but always subservient to God. The Jiva, through absolute surrender and attachment toward the Guru, attains the realized state and becomes eligible to offer pure worship to God.

    Redemption consists in the realization of Ekantik Dharma comprising righteousness, right knowledge, detachment and devotion to God. This is the goal to be pursued under the guidance of the Sadhu who is in constant rapport with God, the manifest form of Aksharbrahman. The divine experience of this highest state is possible, here and now, in one's embodied state of worldly existence.



    Jiva or soul, is the finite individual self, conscious spirit, knower, enjoyer and doer of things. Jiva is eternal, not created at anytime, by anybody. Jivas are innumerable, each distinct from the other. Each Jiva pervades the whole organism, and is different from the three bodies - gross, subtle and causal. Weapons cannot cut it, nor fire burn it; water cannot wet it, nor wind dry it. Yet, it is bound by worldly desires that are formed according to its karma. Though conditioned by Maya, Jivas can be eternally released by the grace of a Brahmaswarup Guru and God.  


    Ishwar is the cosmic self, conscious spiritual being conditioned by the adjuncts of Mahamaya (greater Maya). There are innumerable Ishwars, each of which is assigned the duty of taking care of a universe, or at least a particular aspect of it.


    Maya or Prakriti is the inert primordial principle from which the universe of names and forms comes into being. Maya is trigunatmik, constituted of three gunas - sattvagun, rajogun and tamogun, and is the cause of bondage for the Jiva and Ishwar. Maya is difficult to transgress and is the cause of identification of the Jivas and Ishwars with their bodies and relations thereof. But with the grace of the Brahmaswarup Guru and God, one can attain Atyantik Moksha - ultimate liberation from Maya and remain in the eternal service of God.


    Brahman or Aksharbrahman or Akshardham is transcendent to Jiva, Ishwar and Maya, but subservient to Parabrahman. He is effulgent, all-pervading and divine. He serves the supreme Lord in a two-fold manner, in his personal aspect, he serves the Lord both in His abode and wherever He incarnates Himself. Aksharbrahman is the ideal devotee and the most appropriate mediator for the aspirant striving to reach the supreme Lord. On the other hand, in his impersonal aspect, he serves the Lord by being His divine abode which is effulgent, infinite and all-pervading and in which innumerable redeemed souls serve the Lord. He is also the foundation of all that is subservient to him. And that Aksharbrahman incarnated on the earth in the form of Gunatitanand Swami to serve Lord Swaminarayan.


    Parabrahman or Purushottam is the highest reality, the supreme Godhead, one and unique. He is, at once, transcendent to everything and immanent in everything. He is the concrete reality with divine form and perfect personality who is the controller and supporter of everything. Jiva, Ishwar, Maya and Aksharbrahman constitute the body of Parabrahman who is their soul. And Lord Swaminarayan Himself is Parabrahman or Purushottam.

  8. John 3:16 [ From this world the resurrection goes back to Abel ];

    The world with the second coming of Jesus is without end [ John 17:3,17; Eph 2:7; 3:21; 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; Rev.20:1-6,12,13 ]; No Satan 1000 years in the reign of Christ to make all as new as before Eden [ 2Pet.3:13; Rev.21:1-5; for the kingdom paradise of God Rev.2:7; 22:14 from Gen.3:22 ]; then no Satan ever again [ Rev.20:7-10 ]; as the world with Satan does end Matt.24: 3, 7, 14, 15,21,36; only God alone knows the day and the hour, all other time is given to mankind, mankind just does not use the bible timeline of LOST in Eden to SAVED by Christ Jesus.

  9. heaven & h**l

  10. Yes.

  11. Err world after death?

    Do you mean life after death..if thats what you mean then yes.

    You continue to reincarnate until you become absolutely content and attempt God realisation. This is very difficult.

    Once you have accomplished this you will be freed and unite ith God.(moksha)

  12. I know there is eternal life and so can you.

    Through a simple faith in Jesus Christ the living Son of God, you can experience the Truth of being reborn to the Spirit of God. His peace in you, gives you the rest that your searching for.

    In this is the guarantee of eternal life, by the witness of His Spirit with yours, you know, that you know, that you know, you know the Truth. It is not attainable in any other person or way.

    To pray a confession that He is who he say's He is and repent (turn toward God in faith) is all it takes.

    If your humble and sincere in this, God's Spirit will come to live inside your heart and again, you will then understand He is the truth by the witness of His Spirit, in you, you will know it.  

  13. Darwin is the answer you seek

  14. Yes - in heaven for good people

    yes- in h**l for the bad people

  15. Shoud not we say that "there is life/world around death" ?

  16. yes i do. its very sparkly and lovely.

  17. ya i think there is a life after death.

  18. I heard people say not everyone is able to go to heaven even if they go to church every week... Well, i kinda believe life after death, i believe that people will reborn after their soul had completed their undone task when they died... But i dunno about those who committed suicide and those who did a lot of bad stuff... Maybe they can't be humans again when they reborn...

  19. some say it, but proving is difficult,thinking also difficult  

  20. Yes, for me it is a nice place for my soul to go to where there is never pain or hunger.  It has beautiful gardens and waterfalls and the sky is full of rainbows.  That is my idea!!!

  21. i think yes every thing in world recycling from his curent shape to other shape what got on earth never finish just change shape like tree concovert to wood then wood to furneture if burn ash

  22. do you mean a world of -

    deed trees-fish-humans?

    when you die life stops .

    your brain stops .

    and that my friend is that !

  23. Death is a transition form one state to another .Death never destroys anything but the shape of things .Matter is indestructible since its soul , the components of the matter, is indestructible .They were never created and so they do not die .what is created can die and what is not created can never die or  be destroyed.It is absurd to speak of the real age of anything as matter is ageless .The statenment that the age of this world is just 13 and odd billion years is equally absurd as the Universe never came out of nothing but the intangible and unmnifest form of energy that was in the space always .Nothing really can be born of nothing .Things are always made of something that exists already.You , all those around us and all things around us and I never have not existed and shall never cease to exist , though we might be changing our shape, form and quality continuously. We shall continue to re-incarnate , not necessarily as humans but as anything and everything accordig to our own Karma..

    There is one cosmos , one universe in so many pieces like the grains of sands in the beach.The several universes we speak of are just the different grains of sand in the same beach.There is one world to our knowledge and we shall never be out of this one world as nothing can escape the gravity of this earth.There is nothing above us .What we see above our head might be below our head .we are hanging with our head down from the ceiling while we think that we are standing on our legs on the earth .We are in a magic world and in an illusion called Maya .All that we think to be above us are below our feet too. Every point on the suface of globe of the earth , though placed apart from one another is running through its center meeting with every other point on the surface of the earth.They are thousands of miles part and are together too and running one over another too simultaneously. We are in a world of illusion . No one knows how many times he has died before he came to be born as a human being and no one knows what he will become after death though death is just a transition form one state to another .No one goes to another world after death .that much is sure as nothing escaped from earth .Even God if He comes to earth will not be able to escape its gravity unless he travelles by a rocket to escape from the gavity of the earth.! There is no evidence that He was aware of the rocket techology as He who has told so many unscientific things to his agents , has said nothing that is logical and  scientifically true . .

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