
Do u think this gambling system works?

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u go to a roulette table. u wait until there are 5 reds or 5 blacks in a row. then u place ur bet on the opposite color. if u lose u double up (bet double ur previous amount) on the same color. u double up again if u lose, until u win. then u wait for another 5 black or red in a row, and repeat the whole process.




  1. The five red spaces that came up the past 5 or seven or how ever many times, have not dissapeared or been ruled out for the next spin, if you take a looksie at the wheel, they are actually still there, the odds of the next spin landing on the color you bet is still 18:38

    Events that have happened in the past do not have ANY effect whatsoever on the probibility of events that are going to happen in the future, the belief that they do is known as "the gamblers fallacy"

    The system you mention where you increase your bet after a loss, will actually have a short term effect on the odds of winning, it will increase the odds of a "net win" and decrease the odds of a "net loss" the downside to betting liek this is that when you do experience losing sessions they will be VERY large, much larger than several of your winning sessions put together, the hosue edge will still prevail, and on average you will lose more money betting this way.

    Blackjack is the only house game in a casino you can play and possibly have a winning expectation, if your goal is to make money gambling, i suggest you learn to play blackjack.

  2. This is known as the Martingale system when you keep doubling you bet hoping to win just one time.

    It is NOT a good system. In games of chance like roulette, I have seen black or red come up 10 times in a row a few times.

    The problem with this system is that you are in deep for a LOT of money to win just a small amount if it does go 9 or 10 spins on one color.

    Spins 1-5 all red. You bet $10 BLACK on spin 6, result -RED. You have to bet $20 on spin 7 -RED. Now $40 on spin 8 -RED. You now have to bet $80 on spin 9. You are in for $150 to win just $10 ($10+$20+$40+$80). Yes, you can keep going and eventually hit BLACk, but you may run out of money or you may hit the table maximum. It is just not worth it.

    It may work a few times, but the one time that you lose, you will lose all of your winning PLUS some.

    I don't recommend the system, but you can try it on a small scale and track your results.   Good luck!

  3. That's called the Martingale System and it's the best form of a "sucker bet" I know. Why on Earth would you double up if you lose? To lose more? Now listen up, their is no foolproof system that actually "guarantees" a win. Some so-called systems might work for a short time, then like all other systems, the player feels the pain of losing. The best "system" I can suggest is to start low (table limit) and double up after winning twice. That way you've already profited from the first bet and can hedge another bet. If you've made a good profit, then you can double up after every win. If you lose, either start over at the low, table limit, lower your bets or cool off for a short time.

    Edit: The chances of red or black coming up 7x in arow is rare, or a sign of a "dealer signature". Once you notice a pattern, jump in and bet, but keep your head and remember to budget your money.

  4. No.

  5. there is NO gambling system that "works" it still comes down to if you get lucky or not.  If a system can be figured out the casinos will have either stopped playing that game, or found away around it (just like they did with card counting at Black Jack tables).  You can't beat the odds.  I've seen many people family/friends try and lose everything they had, they were so determined to beat the system it became a gambling problem.  Sorry buddy but this won't work any better than picking a random number to start.

  6. Yes, the system works but not in the way that you think it works.  

    Each spin is independent of any other spin so the odds and mathematics are the same for each spin.  Your theoretical loss is a little over 5% each spin.  You can not beat the game.

    The way the system works is that you are betting very little because your system does not allow you to bet on each spin.  You may only bet once every 100 spins, thereby allowing you to save money you would have lost had you bet on every spin.

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