
Do u think this is gross?

by  |  earlier

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I think not.


they probably think there s**y o_O




  1. wow, I really didn't know it was this bad.

    The first two need to go to the hospital. The third - pretty, but waaaaaaaay too thin to be attractive.

    They all look sick. Like with illness. or from a holocaust...

    I feel bad for them - they probably stopped ovulating and can't have children.

  2. OMG how dare them. That is soooo grosssssssss ewwww!!! the first link looked like something that could be in a horror movie. "The Curse of the Runway Skeletons" She makes me wanna go hit up the nearest McDonalds and order me a biggy frie

  3. How did they get soooo skinny?

    They have perfect skin, lucky!!! I think it's gross!! Seriously though, they have perfect skin, life's not fair! Urghhh! Lol.

  4. That is really gross... girls need to have some meat and curves... the bones sticking out just doesn't do it.

  5. dude getting that skinny is unessecery it groos really unnactractive .......they look like skeletor hahahahaha

  6. OMFG. thats natty.  

  7. OMG that is disgusting. They should be in some kind of mental health place, not on the catwalk. They are clearly sick.

  8. eww wtf they need for in there system they make me wanna eat more food you could see there ribs && blah haha

  9. Ok those pic.s are very gross i want to be skinny but not that skinny!

  10. eww gross they dont look healthy yuck how can they stand up lol

  11. thats nasty

  12. EWWWW! They look like one of those plastic skeletons you buy at the halloween store!!!

  13. Thanks I just totally barfed all over my laptop.  You need to put a warning on that!  Those can't be real people and if they are what are they doing modeling when they should be in a ICU unit with a feeding tube shoved down their throat?  gross.

  14. wow. ughhh

  15. Ughhh:(

  16. Not so pretty...

    I thought the woman on the last picture died from anorexia nervosa.

  17. now seriously anybody looking at that even a kid would notice that those images are 100 per cent FAKE AND PHOTOSHOPED. get real people!

  18. Yes, it is very gross... no one likes to look at good clothes hanging on a skeleton, if that is the case (which it is) i dont see why they even do runway shows when the clothes would look better on a hanger!


  19. ewh ewh ewh ewh ewh

    that was discusting

  20. I think at least the last two pics are fake. Look at the neck area and you'll see the skin color is different than the rest of the body. The other thing is that their cheeks seem to be full and not skinny as you'd expect in someone who's body is nothing but a skeleton.

  21. thats nasty. someone shove food down their throats plz.

  22. I'd eat that.

  23. YUCK


  24. Oh my god.  That is terrible.  And gross, yes.

  25. to me it looks very DISTURBING. gives me the chills just looking at 1 pic.

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