
Do u think this is real? a fake check cashed in?

by Guest11058  |  earlier

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  1. Are you serious?

    If it was that easy would any of us be here?

  2. The check would have to have had a real account number and other real numbers on it.  If it was indeed cashed, it had to have come out of someones account.  

    Basically, the only part of that story that might, just might, be real is the little circled part of text that may have come out of a law book.  The rest of it is just words that any con artist could have written.  Nor do I believe the part about the 10 day limit on returning a check.  Again, just words unless you research it yourself and determine it's validity.

  3. Nobody but nobody gives you something for nothing, remember that and you'll always have money in your pocket.

  4. no

  5. I find it extremely difficult to believe. This assumes that the "check" had a valid routing number and account number on it, and the owner of that account didn't notice $95000 missing from the account. Also, the legal argument isn't valid because the writer admits that the "check" was clearly marked non-negotiable. And both banks involved overlooked that. Figure the odds.

  6. Scam

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