
Do u think this would be funny or stupid?

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ok so me and my friend r dressing up as superman(me) and batman for the 3rd day of school, first day after labor day weekend and just say we forgot to change after fighting crime during the weekend and like were not wearing costumes were like just makeing our own but they look wicked sweet and were in the 8th grade but its jr high and high school

so do u guys think this would be funny or stupid?

were like gonna be like saying stuff like were them to so what do u think?




  1. I think it's funny, but I can't predict what your classmates/teachers will think.

    All the best.

  2. haha STUPID

  3. if you don't mind being labeled a freak for the rest of junior high and its stupid and u will definitely be sent home

  4. You really might want to save that for Halloween, unless you want everyone to think something is wrong with you. No offense.

  5. 8th grade? I wouldn't do that unless you don't want to be taken seriously

  6. stupid you will just embarrace yourself when you get to highschool with same people

  7. it would be pretty funny, although u guys should go as ninja's

  8. lmao. my friends Nick and Robbie did that! It was hilarious!!! Do it dude.  

  9. Wait a few weeks and get the vibe first, then tailor your jokes accordingly.

  10. I personally thik it would be silly, and possibly funny, but I exactly how the other people would take it, some may laugh at you, and some may get mad at you,but that's the whole point isn't to have fun? So, yes, I'd probably do it, just to say yep, I did this silly thing to my classmates! anyway, you're supposed to have fun thru your life, why not here too?

  11. Depending on the school, you may have to call parents to bring you another set of clothes because what you would be wearing can be considered a distraction.

  12. i would think you were weird and maybe a freak

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