
Do u think this write or wrong to do?

by  |  earlier

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i have hamsters mice and gerbils for salee but nobody was interested and the pet shop wont take them because they are full at the moment so i was thinkning of letting them into the wild is this wrong behonest please




  1. please give it to a adoption shelter! people buy from there!

    PLEASE DONT!!!! they have the life of getting food in a bowl ....what if they cant  find food ( probably) and also what if  they die????    ANIMAL CRUELTY

  2. dont do it pls they are not meant for it! u can put an ad on the internet or you can put up signs in the nieghborhood can wait for the pet store to be "un-full"!

  3. No dont let them go, They will just die and they might starve or get poisoned by things in the wild they aren't supposed to eat. and it's illegal in some places. Just wait a bit longer.

  4. no they may not survive

  5. dont let them into the wild they will breed like crazy and cause peoples houses to get over run by rodents, they might not be able to find food and starve or they will wonder into somebodys yard and if they have a dog or cat the will be killed and/or eaten

  6. dont let the hamsters and gerbils out into the wild. they will only last a few days. it should be ok with the mice if you let them free into a nice area.

  7. NO, then they will not know how to feed them selves have you ever tryed like selling them to people who live closed to you or put up flyers around town

  8. yes, it is wrong. maybe you could give them away for free, then people would take them. or put them up for sale on ebay....or something...

  9. No! They will die!  Irresponsible pet ownership. Give them to a shelter or better yet be a responsible pet owner and care for them.

  10. That's fine with the mice because they are meant to be wild, Not sure about the hamsters and gerbils, as long as they could survive then it's much better than letting them sit in some dingey pet shop.


  11. well, why would you want to do that

  12. No they won't live! They will probably get ate by something larger than them and they won't be use to feeding themselves they are use to being fed by people.Please don'tdo it please! They are too small! They don't desserve it! Please don't!

  13. I want a Hamster<3

    Sell them or give them away to you're local pet store!

    DO NOT let them into the wild. I have tons of friends with mice as pets.

    Try making flyers, posters, etc.

    Hope I Helped!


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