
Do u think turkey will ever have a space progrem?

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like lunching a spaceship or just imroving their air force?




  1. Yes we have a space program. Last week lunched a new satellite to orbit. But ofcourse , personally I may say that's not enough.

  2. hi,

    yes of course..

    for the scientifical research  and commercial programs between Europe firms but there is an other relation between Turkish and China Armies but it is (Şişşşt!)TOP SECRET!

  3. I personally guarantee that Turkey will be first country to start a dolmuş service to the moon and satellites. As for why, it is in our genes to do so.

  4. According to some leaking news Turkey has already launched 2 secret probe to the space .

  5. most European countries cannot afford their own Space programme, which is why they have joined forces to create the European Space Agency, with member states of 17 European countries, each contributing funds. This enables them to have a greater combined knowledge and financial basis. Turkey does not belong to the ESA, but should it eventaully join the EU, then they could in theory also join the E.S.A.

  6. The Turkish Air Forces are currently working on setting up a Turkish Space Agency (Turk Uzay Kurumu). They are planning to send a Turkish astronaut to space by 2011, the centennial of the establishment of the Air Force.

    See here (Turkish):

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