
Do u think your dreams try to tell u somthing?

by  |  earlier

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so i do decode my dreams....

but i feel like most of my dreams consist of some kind of spirit.

mostly a a lil girl trying to cross over. but last nite i saw her..and tryed to help her she drew a picture of these flowers then i looked at the door and there was stainglass windows of the flowers she drew, i smashed them and she went towards the light......

can anyone relate with the whole spirits comming to u in there dreams




  1. (un)happily they always tell the truth about a present or future event, always . . . as long as you don't spend most of your time in front of the TV

    they are your spiritual connection to the events or people you are, should or shall be linked to.


    "can anyone relate with the whole spirits coming to u"

    within not a night-dream? during the day time, like in a dream, transmit to you a message, a thought, feelings ?

    I thought few times it was real, but who knows?

  2. i think dreams are just something youve been subconsciensly or consciensly worrying or thinking about. sometimes you dont even realize you have been. but i dont think dreams themselves can give you new information, they just illistrate things on your mind

  3. spirits do not inhabit dreams. the little girl trying  to cross over represents you trying to do something, yet feeling helpless to succeed.. if you are an adult female, perhaps you finally got pregnant with a little girl.

    If you are a teen, then you also finally managed to succeed at something you had gone after a long time: maybe you got an award or a medal in a sport; maybe you aced a test you'd studied for. Whatever it is, you will work your way through it.

  4. maybe you have been holding onto something and that little girl was saying let go of it and move on.

  5. I belive some dream do tell you something. i went to this web site, look up the stuff in my dream and the results came true. you sould try it out

  6. not rly

  7. Dreams are pathways into your unconscious mind.  You dream likely reflects something you feel about what you are going through in your life.  It seems to reflect a internal conflict.  You give a gift and then take it away by smashing them.  Maybe by giving up something, you will find the answer you desire.

  8. I think dreams definitely tell you that you are asleep.

  9. The other answers seem to miss the point about spirits coming to you in dreams: the little girl trying to "cross over", as in departing for another realm- in this case, you gave assistance by breaking open a portal she had shown you in her drawing- OK.

    Now you need to assess whether that kid was an essential part of 'You'- you assumed this was conducted on a spiritual plane and that she was a distinct 'spirit' apart from you, and if I read this correctly, she has appeared before, repeatedly. Hm?

    Repetitive dreams are all about unresolved problems, so strike up an imaginary conversation with your troubled waif, and ask her why she is so persistent, and where you can help. This may take some time, as the issue is usually one you refuse to deal with.

    DEAL with it! She will answer in some future dream. Write it down.

  10. the little girl is you its how your subconscious sees yourself..

  11. well... one time i had a dream and in it my family friend died and about a week later, that family friend tried to commit suicide... and succeeded

  12. Dreams are your subconscious rising to the surface.  You need to look around you and dig deep in your mind to see what you are trying to tell yourself

  13. Most definitely, I believe dreams convey some sort of sign or message.  Your subconscious mind is working 24 / 7 and it picks up on things that the conscious mind doesn't.  If you try to tune in to the little details of your dreams (where, when, what, why and how details) you will be surprised about the information you will gather and how much sense it will make.  

    Below is a hyperlink to a website that interprets dreams.  I love it and use it often.  Once I dreamed of a lone snake (Cobra in nature) and it was about to attack me.  I got on to find out what it could be.  Since there was only one snake in my dream, it meant that someone close to me was trying to sabotage my life.  Weeks later (two or three) a best friend of mine was slandering my name and she set me up to get in a physical confrontation.

    Believe it now?

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