
Do u thk da concept of britishness has changed?

by  |  earlier

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I thk it has, when i was a kid back in ma country ...I thought british used to be sophisticated class of people who were quite reserved n sleep early n drink tea sumthin out of sherlock homles type. Now as, I am studyin here in UK and I hardly see anythg like dat....lots of booze n ppl wearin tracksuits swearin n carryin knifes . I dont find anythg wrong but for me the concept of british has changed...lolz 4 a worse...




  1. well i dnt no i recon the culture is now based on shopping though tea is still pretty popular and also it depends on where you come from like i lived in winchester for a while and i didnt see many pplz in trackies ( tracksuit )

  2. That concept was only reserved for middle to upperclass the rest of us were to busy working. Long live the cockneys.

  3. Actually, 'Britishness' was invented in the 1700s to try and stop the English and Scots fighting, and to foster a sense of patriotism to keep the country together. Some people seem to think that the Brits have been 'British' for centuries...but it's not true.

  4. No

  5. Yes things like culture have changed not just in the UK  but all over the world the reasons are numerous ,as far as Britain is concerned I believe American culture has come to us via TV this has poisoned our society,Britains themselves have become consumer based greedy and selfish.What was a Christian country has become a secular society. I think one of the worst things is all the foreign immigrants coming in, most are good and want to make a life for themselves and their families but there are people who come in for the benefit system and there are those who use our education system our health service for their own benefit.It is good that we share our country with other nations BUT if it means we lose our culture because they are here then it is wrong..As far as your comments about us being sophisticated and reserved  and now people who booze and wear track suits shows your complete ignorance , We British are notl robots each individual is different I do not drink I do not dress the way you have descibed don't be so dam judgemental.

    Funny thing in your diatribe was the comment to directed at rascist people, does your country not have them????are your people so perfect if so what are you doing here oh yes getting an education from OUR education system please feel free to leave sooner rather than later and don't come back in a hurry.your last sentence for us to respect people you mean like you did in your comments???? mm!

  6. Holy F me batman does this person claim to speak English.  

    I can't read your attempt to communicate..  

  7. And who are you to say what has and hasn't changed? You are not from Britain, so you cannot comment!

  8. The British are English, Welsh & Scottish,

    I think those dramas you where watching where of the ENGLISH UPPER CLASS, ( a very small group of people in Britain )

    But lots of people abroad, think thats how all the British are, it's just a Stereotype,

  9. Of course Britain's changed it's full of foreigners now.

    Say no more.

  10. I think that it has always been a huge misconception that Britain is full of posh types that drink tea because only a few people are like that! Yes, British people love their tea but hardly anyone dresses like Sherlock Holmes! It has changed and yes there are people who get drunk and swear but that happens in most countries, so the concept of Britishness hasn't actually changed it's just that your opinion doesn't match up with the reality.

  11. Some of at least still know how to speak properly...and spell!

    We haven't ALL become heathens yet!

  12. You're obviously seeing riff-raff from the inner city areas and reading and believing everything you see in the gutter press! Where i live, in north yorkshire, life hasn't changed a great deal and neither has it in most of the shires. The immigrants who carry knives either do not want to or cannot afford to live in rural society - great! We are still a great nation with a fantastic backbone - watch us chuck Gordon Brown and his cronies out of office soon and then wait for the revival of Britishness and law and order!

  13. hear hear!!!!!!  

  14. So everyone in the US is either a redneck, a gangster or from a conservative christian 1950s style family? Doubtful. It's called a stereotype. Britain hasn't ever been like that - and it hasn't even been much like that for 50 years.

  15. The folk having knives, are they white British or Black British?We now an island race of four or five different types of people, Carib blacks, Islamists, Africans, West Asians,Eastern Europeans,. We have a weak goverment allowing the dustbin of the world to live here.

  16. indeed

  17. Hello there, I'm glad that you improved your English grammer - you still have a lot to learn.  

    Back to the subject in hand.  There are still people out there with standards (good moral sense of duty); but unfortunately there are a small minority of people - mainly the youth of today that think that committing crime with the use of a knife is a game.  It is so sad.  On another note: - there are lots of beautiful places in this country.  Maybe you are studying in a large city.  I live in the countryside, where there is still a lot of englishness.  In these places there is less crime and less of the yob culture that you describe.  Take care. x

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