
Do u understand the Spanish spoke in Mexico or Latin America?

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Hi. I am learning Spanish now, like to know more Spanish speaking friends. I just wonder which Spanish should I learn? And why is it that so many people speaking Spanish outside Spain?




  1. I hope I can help you on this my family is from Spain but some of them are living in Mexico. So some speak Spanish with a "spanish" accent the others a "mexican" accent. But you need to realize that even with in each Spanish speaking country there are several regional accents. If your from Mexico City your accent is going to be a little different than if you are from Northern Mexico. Same goes like if your from Catalunia vs. Madrid.

    It depends what Spanish you want to learn as far as the grammatics they are very similar only difference as in within English speaking countries some words are used a little differently. One example would be a bookcase in Mexico it's "libero" in Spain it's "estanza" but it's describing the samething. And of course slang/common words are a little different in Argentina the word for guy is "che" and in Spain you would say "tio".

    It depends as to what you might understand easier. Alot of people have problems learning Spanish from some people of the various Spanish Speaking countries because of the accent. You should try learning Spanish from Mexico or Spain. Which is more commonly used and understood. But you should be able to understand and listen to a wide varity of accents and dialects with in the Spanish lanuage. Try listening to Spanish radio stations or t.v stations like Univsion or Telemundio to hear the different accents.

    Since you are new to the Spanish lanuage there I hope this helps there is a this acedemic society "Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (Real Academia Española ". The Real Academia Española who meet every year in Spain basically they are professors and researchers who moderate the Spanish lanuage from all the Spanish speaking countries. I would recommend you looking into this.

    Why do so many people outside of Spain speak Spanish....well you know Colombus (real name Cristobal Colon) he arrived in the new world he was Spanish Speaking. Spain colonized parts of the United States, all of Mexico, Central and South American (minus Brazil) so Spanish became the "unoffical lanuage". Just think how English is used in the US and Canada, South Africa..Australia. These lanuages spread because of colonization.

    Buena Suerte!

  2. Where do you currently live?

    If you live in Britain or Europe, you should probably learn "Spanish" Spanish as it will be more useful on the European continent.

    However if you are from Canada, the USA or anywhere else in the world you should learn "Mexican" Spanish. There is not a lot of difference, sort of like "British" English and "American" English. But like those two, the differences can be critical when you are in-country.

    "Mexican" Spanish is spoken by about 120 million people world wide, that's almost half of all Spanish speaking people. Mexico is by far the world's largest and most influential Spanish speaking nation. Also "Mexican" Spanish is the most common dialect of Spanish spoken and used in the United States. It is also the dialect of Spanish closest to that spoken in the Caribbean, Central and most of South America

  3. I know some.

  4. Yep, we understand perfectly each other, in fact is like Americans, Australians and British, you speak the same language, but with different accent and some different words...

    I think it's better to learn Spanish from Spain, but is your election...

    And referring to why so many people speak Spanish, that's the same that English, centuries ago, all those countries where Spanish is spoken as the first language, where a part of Spanish Imperium...

  5. All Spanish is good to learn. People speak Spanish outside Spain, because during the period of Conquista Spanish Royal power, Ferdenando and Isabel. sponsored ships to go to the "Americas" and "discover" new lands. Some of the places "discovered" in Latin America were by Spanish delegation, therefore the language stuck around.

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