
Do u want like Pak Lah i mean do u want him tocontinue to be the Prime Minister?

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Do u want like Pak Lah i mean do u want him tocontinue to be the Prime Minister?




  1. Nope cuz of the 4th floor boys issue, Mongolia woman, Lingam case, Anwar sodomy etc ... only those who have vested interest or ignorant or filthy rich will say our current economy is still ok ...

    A true leader will have put an end to these matters as they promote bickering, gossip and restlestness in the rakyat ... so how we are to be united as a Malaysian if these issues continue and continue ... like no end ?

    So, better for a new leader with a new team ...

  2. No Pak Lah and  Najib, please.  

  3. Malaysians have given Pak Lah more than 4 years to lead the country but unfortunately he has proven to all that he is a very incompetent leader. Under his leadership, Malaysia suffers economic setbacks, rising crimes, aggravating racial problems, widesphread corruption etc. He should step down to pave way for a more competent person to succeed him either someone. However if Najib is to be the PM once Pak Lah steps down, then i would rather to have Pak Lah to continue to become PM. Najib would make a even worse PM than Pak Lah. Of course it would be the best for Malaysia if the present opposition could form a new government at the expense of BN and kick Pak Lah and Najib and all the other guys from BN out

  4. enough la ..tell him to take a vacation with Tun M, Sammy,and all his old friends....don't forget Ayah Pin (kerajaan langit )...ha ha  

  5. I completely lost interest in Malaysia's politic arena. It disgusts me. Tell him this - take all the power all the money all the fame as you want. Malaysia is ruined

  6. h**l NO!!!!

  7. no...but every oppositions and a bunch of his friends "kaki ular " love him , because of his daydreaming...zzzzzz....zzz......z...z.....                  z

  8. of course I dun want Pak lah to rule forever but let him serve what he has to serve now. Yes he sleeps....does he snores too??? Maybe he's thinking..maybe daydreaming... :)

    I just don't know who's capable to be the next PM. I just dun long as PAS or Anwar dun take over..I'm fine. I'm just happy with my life now... free to do anything!

  9. i dont want someone who zzzzzzz... on the job

  10. I do not want a sleeping Prime Minister..I want a PM who can really lead and make Malaysia a better place for the Malaysians. Furthermore, it's been more than half a century we had gain our independence, it is time for all of us to stand and be as one instead of bringing up issues on racial problems. We should not regard ourselves by our race but as Malaysians. I just hope that one day we can find the heart to forgive and forget so that all race can unite and be as one because if we're able to do that, we'll have far more better achievements than we have today. Our country is rich with natural resources and if we can be as one, one day..we might even be better than the Singaporeans.

  11. sometimes we need through all these matter as a guideline in our future decisions..

  12. sure not ..all the person above me already give their reason and im agree with them

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