
Do u want to be a prince/ princess?

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Do u want to be a prince/ princess?




  1. No, I am perfectly fine the way I am, and not worried about weather or not some one will die or abdicate in order for me to ascend a thrown or rule a kingdom or empire.

    I know that might suck for some people, but not for me.

  2. Darling, I am the Queen of Sheba, Empress of Persia, why be a humble princess.!

    Well not after the Diana episode.

    No thanks

  3. Well, I think I would love to be a princess. I would love everything but the paparazzi.

  4. no, look what happened to Diana

  5. No i dont want to be a princess in real.Because i m the only princess of my parents. however i may be they love me so much.

  6. you could become either one of them,then you can go and

    be in the g*y march?up in sydney OZ

  7. no

  8. sooner be the frog

  9. Definitely I want to be a Princess because I want to helped for the poor people from the different countries around the world for the hospitals,churches,an outreach program and the non government organizations and of course the some victims from the calamities and I want to helped also to some victims the child labor,child abuse,HIV-AIDS and of course the special children and I want to asked the some Government Officials that I'm willing to helped with them of their some problems in their respective countries and I want to following the footsteps the late Princess Diana because I'm really to admired her for the helping to the poor people and she is a very good example for being a role model as a women in the world and I want to do it of my responsibilities and duties as being a Princess

  10. No, but close enough. I am a direct descendent from an aristocrat family, who are also family members of the Imperial Court from the mid 16th century.

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