
Do u want to fight against corruption and willing to pursue it actively?

by  |  earlier

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Corruption necessarily causes inconvenience and disorder. Those who deserve deprived of the entitlements.

There seems to be a point in Timothy's comment. But what it is?

The support needs to be gathered which is a cumbersome and difficult exercise which needs time, money and efforts. Like minded people should come forward and start the efforts as a first step. We can work in that direction.

Reggie L is sempethetic.

Vijay D openion from last para sounds like not to persue for elimination.




  1. every body to wage war against the   corruption

    we must see the root cause of it

    our laws and rules never accepted the truth it face value

    it always wants certificate

    take one example our pension rules ask every person give

    a life certificate for every year.

    now our bank  pass book  contain our colour photo , a bank officer

    can identify the person very easily, the same rule want another cetificate of non employment what is the use

    no body give such particulars correctly

    this rule only give the power to the bank officer to refuse the


    then corruption is started

    we first  remove unwanted condition in our rule and

    unwise rule

    if if we done it 90 percent  corruption may vanished


  2. I love crewsaid's answer not only to this question but almost all the questions that he has attempted. I am particularly impressed by the information that he is writing a wakeup call to the middle class.

    To me corruption is an evil like all the other evils prevalent in the society these days. By nature every human being is corrupt. You are not able to exercise your right to being corrupt, only because you are not at a vantage position often. And sometimes not being corrupt pays you more than what it will pay you to be corrupt. So there are people who are not corrupt even when they can be!

    It is a different matter that degree of being corrupt varies from person to person. And we excuse ourselves of doing minor corrupt activities.

    But the fact that we all are naturally corrupt remains. We however can alliviate the impact by introducing better and user friendly systems.

    But don't ever think of eliminating it. Don't do the impossible. The word ' impossible' exists in every dictionary. And I am not a fool either!

  3. yes. corruption really kills much than terrorism.  if a country is really corrupt, many people will die for corruption is the greatest source of hunger..

  4. I would like to think I have the moral fibre to fight against and willingly persue corruption actively.But in all honesty,"easier said then done".

  5. The causes of corruption let us see 1. more demand, less supply 2. too much govt intervention and controls 3. lack of social security or freedom of pursuit 4. high population 5. lack of education and 6. lack of political will and discipline.  All the above reasons ( others may list some more) are available in India, hence it is a real breeding gound for corruption.  We can fight, fight and fight, but end up with nothing.  Reduction and elimination both are distant dreams.

  6. who has the time for all this .

  7. No! I don't have the stomach for it. Corruption which is rampant in the Government sector is payment being taken for what is to be done. So it is difficult to prove and if you need something for which you have to approach government officials, you won't get it unless you pay. The corrupt as also the straight forward officials have so many ways of postponing action. So, only way corruption can be tackled is to make procedures simple and that is something which will not happen.

  8. How could you as a private citizen fight crrouption without breaking the laws.

    Go get you a LAW degree and then go get'em. Till then follow the paper work all corruption is in the paper work somewhere. American do not like to read.

    Copies are sometime better thasn the orginals because a copy from the beginning of something has a layout. For corruption to work the LAYOUT must be changes usually.

  9. I want to fight against corruption and willing to pursue it actively. At the moment I am writing a book called 'A wake up call to the Indian Middle classes' that is treating the subject of corruption in considerable detail. I have other plans too by which we can all try and eradicate corruption from our country, I have got a plan. But I would need the support of my countrymen in large numbers if at all we wish to defeat the monster of corruption that is bleeding our motherland to death.

  10. Start with a pledge to fight yourself undisturbed by consequence and you would be surprised many would join you.

    Many feel troubled by corruption but lack courage to stand up and face hardship themselves and always await others help.

    Most of us are slaves mentally and want others to find any and all of non-treaded paths as convention and majority lead us at all times even if it may defy humanity, sense and logic.


  11. then you gota refuse to pay the sales tax next time you go to the liquer store

  12. Why not? Outline your plan of action and get in touch.

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