
Do u want to see a celebrity Succeed or Fail miserably?

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Do u want to see a celebrity Succeed or Fail miserably?




  1. It depends on the celebrity

  2. Miley Cyrus needs to fail miserably. With all the pictures she's putting on the internet, she's getting pretty close to that goal.

    Anyone else who didn't get their start on Disney, Nickelodean or ABC Family deserves to succeed exponentially.

  3. fail because they get too much muni

  4. Succeed, but in the right way, maintaining decent morals, and promoting healthy behavior. Honestly, I don't like seeing anyone fail.

  5. I want Charles Mesure to succeed beyond his wildest dreams.  

  6. i want 2 c all celebs between the age of 12 an 35 get baknrupt, an their parents get the same an they get homeless, an im praying 4 it, my dad knows people that r gunna make that hapen

  7. fail miserably is much more entertaining than succeeding!  

  8. Well most celebrities eventually fall under the category of FAIL or g*y

    Examples: Britney Spears, The Jonas Brothers Miley Cyrus etc

  9. Depends who the celebrity is...if i like them/her/he, i would want to see them succeed, if i dont like the celebrity i would love to see them fail miserably.

  10. I want to see celebrities with ACTUAL talent who ACTUALLY worked to get into there current position succeed.  

  11. I could care less about celebrities whether they fail or succeed.

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