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Is ALLIEN are present in our universe are it is just a imagination?





  2. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town:

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, the antichrist has something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake ‘messiahs’ just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Do NOT accept this:

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  3.   We have no proof that aliens exist but since, we ,we can be sure they do.

      When life comes into existence intelligent,technological life,like ours is sure to follow so aliens must proliferate in all parts of the universe.

      They probably parallel us closely in intelligence,they would not look like us but they would think like us and they would theorize about us as we do about them.

  4. Demons

  5. Ok, if you want a serious answer you need to do the following:

    1. Spell "you" correctly... this isn't a text message.

    2. Spell "alien" correctly. Seeing as you like to shorten words, why add the extra "l"?

    3. It should read: "Are aliens present in our universe are are they just in our imagination?" Use proper grammar please.

    Now onto your question.

    Out of the 750,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems in the visible universe,  I have no doubt whatsoever that there isn't some form of life somewhere else. Possibly even intelligent life. But aliens have not been visiting planet Earth. I doubt there would be intelligent life within a hundred light years of Earth... heck, I'd be surprised if we found intelligent life on Earth.

  6. this is a joke, right?


    come on.

    If you mean, "Have Little Green Men from Alpha Centauri visited the Earth, buzzed the swamps of Louisiana and anal probed some hillbilly just for fun?"  then I have to say, no.

    We may never know if there is ANY intelligent alien life out there, or even any life at all... but what difference does it make?  Can't we all just live and get along and take care of this one single planet that we have?

  7. It would presumptuous of me to say that alien civilisations have not been visiting our planet. As the saying goes, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Furthermore, I would argue that there IS evidence supporting the ET hypothesis, vis a vis UFOs, albeit inconclusive evidence.

  8. Jesus died for humans, and humans only. If there were other intelligent or human-like life out there he would have needed to die for them too, and he didn't, just for us.


    I believe there could well be life on other planets, but probably plants, vegetation, that kind of thing. Or small organisms (animals/insects kind of thing.)

    God put animals here for our enjoyment, and in the future, yeah, we could be on other planets, enjoying the life on strange world out there (though they would be pretty weird animals).

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