
Do u wish collingwood would win the grand final?

by  |  earlier

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i do




  1. doesnt matter to me............

    plz help

  2. All i want is for Essendon to run onto the ground with 22 fit players :'(

  3. no dear, i wish for melbourne to win, but that wish will not occur this year.

    thank you, come again  please.

  4. As a Pies supporter I would say NO - c'mon, im being realistic here when I say that I dont want to watch my team lose another GF this decade!!

    PS:  No one is feral - I really hate people using that word about AFL supporters!!  Not one club is worse than another when it comes to their supporters - but Pies are sometimes passionate to the extreme :P hehe

  5. probably the funniest thing ive read

    a collingwood supporter saying a team is feral


    i suppose you wouldnt own up to being feral though


    just messing

    i am a hawks supporter

    and if geelong do not win the gf

    it SHOULD be hawks

    i rekon the sainters are a bit of a smokey though

    just think about it though collingwood

    IF they win have to verse us :P cos we will obviously win and we all know what happened last two times hawks vs pies :P :) basically no chance

    sorry :P

  6. No, The doggies will win. In fact you will lose against the Crows. Hehe.

  7. NO WAY!

    ANyway, it's not possible because Adelaide are gonna whip your butts on Saturday and I'm gonna be there to witness it :)))))

    Why does everybody keep saying Crows supporters are Feral!

    That's the Power fans! We're the nice ones!!

  8. Ummm... No.

  9. As I am a hawks supporter I would have to say no. :-)

  10. Imagine the look on Nathan Buckleys face if they do.

  11. NO WAY. Anyway.. Adelaide is going to end Collingwood's season this weekend.

  12. NOPE

  13. LOL.

    p.s. magpies are bloody feral

  14. h**l no  

  15. no.

  16. Yes, i love them - they are my second side to the eagles!

    I hope they can win it, what an amazing upset!

    They have done extreemely well against geelong in the last year or two - they were the only side to beat them this year and they thrashed them by alot! And last year in the final they almost beat geelong but fell short by a couple of points, so the magpies are in for a chance!!

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