
Do unpaid traffic tickets go on a person's credit report?

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Do unpaid traffic tickets go on a person's credit report?




  1. no but the Lord knows, they will lead to additional fines and court costs in most states, and if unpaid they go to jail and that deffinately hurts credit.

    David in Jesus grace/undeserved amazing favor:

    "God showed his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us."  Romans 5:8

    "For the payment for sin is separation from God, but the gift of God is everlasting life, through Jesus the Messiah our leader."  Romans 6:23

    "I love you unconditionally, and ask you to repent of sin quickly, and let me into your heart's door to be your friend." Revelation 3:19&20

    Now,  Instead of missing heaven for one lie to weeping forever Matthew 24:51

    I am headed for heaven= John 3 & 10 Asked Jesus to help me, forgive even one lie and all sin, and come into my heart to be my friend, amen.

    Good question :) Please have the best day of your life too, David

    praying the best for you and whever got the traffic tickets too

  2. It is possible yes.  If the municipal court sends them to collections, the collection agency will likely report them to the major credit bureaus.  They won't show much regarding what they are for.  They'll only show the Collection Agency's Name, the name of the Municipal Court, and the amounts (original amount, amount due, and balance).

  3. No, I thought they usually just issued bench warrants for unpaid traffic tickets.

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