
Do unspayed female cats bleed during their 'period'?

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I have 3 female cats all not spayed. they haven't been crying as in being in heat, however I'm finding drops of blood everywhere. I'm wondering if it could be that they're having their 'periods' or some other problem.




  1. They can bleed a little bit when they're in heat, but not much at all and it's rarely noticeable.  Heat is not a kitty period.  Cats don't have periods.  Only a few mammals have menstrual cycles (humans, some apes and chimps).  

    Unexplained bleeding always requires a vet visit. And get them fixed asap, it's much healthier for them, they will be happier not going into heat, and you won't risk adding to the cat overpopulation.  

  2. First off NO!

    Secondly, why are you not spaying your pets??  I don't get people like you!

  3. I have been breeding cats for 20 years.  I have never seen bleeding as a result of a heat cycle.

    I have seen bleeding as a result of pyrometria which is an infection of the v****a.

    Figure out which one is bleeding and make an appointment to have her spayed immediately.

    Another thought:  That no one is bleeding from the v****a.  Perhaps they got into a fight and one is wounded.

    Either scenario requires fact finding and probably a trip to your vet.

  4. Not all females do the whole crying thing, so it is possible you have one or more in heat. Some bleed, others don't. Check each one carefully, and if you don't see a wound or dried blood anywhere, then you more than likely have a cat in heat.

  5. I have a kitten that is being spayed tomorrow. She has been bleeding off and on, not a lot of blood, just a little. She's about 6 months old per what the vet said. My mother who is a vet tech says that kittens/cats do get a kind of period. You should spay them.

    Second Chance for Animal Fund in MA offers low cost spaying. $60 per female spay cat.

    Friends of Animal certificate to help you reduce the cost. Just google it and enter information.  

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