
Do ur diarea breath parents give u a curfew?

by  |  earlier

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mine do. any ideas to get them back?




  1. Uh I kinda do.

    But I mean i'm only a junior in high school (turning 17 in a few months) so it's probably a good thing I have a curfew/

    Now, what is the curfew?

    It's dependant upon what i'm doing.

    i've come home at 4am and not gotten yelled at , on the other hand i've also had them tell me to come home at midnight...

    It would probably be better except they don't trust me at all, i'm bipolar, don't have a house key anymore, and they refuse to tell me the alarm code.  haha. i should be the one complaining

    And, how old are you? whats YOUR curfew?   please tell.

  2. dude wat the **** are u on bout. i dont get ur question at all.

    i mean wat the h**l is diarea.

  3. Yes and no.  My daddy gives me a curfew, but his breath is EXTREMELY fresh and minty.

    Thank you and good day.

  4. You're lucky you only have a curfew.  If you were my kid, you would be locked up in the attic.

  5. No, they have nice breaths.

  6. I am soooo confused by this question!

    Anybody else with me here?

  7. wow phyco mabye they should put u in a mental institution instead of giving u a curfew i mean seriously how old r u 5

    what is that "diarea breath"

  8. "Diarea breath" parents?

    Someone deserves a spanking.

  9. I'm kinda ashamed to have the same first name(only its IE and not just I at the end) and the same last initial....

    And no,but I'm 21...

  10. mine do usally

    but it good to have a curfew for u dont get in to bad horrible trouble..

    like drink && driving && get in to a car accedent...[[for examlpe]]

  11. get them a Tic Tac =]

    and noo mine don't! my parents are badass (:

  12. Haha no but I love your question.  I can feel the hate.

  13. unless they eat it, their breth won't smell like it.  By your 'question', you have already demsonstrated a lack of maturity, lack of respect for your parents, and a genral lack of comprehension of simple rules.  Your attitude is 90% of he reason you have a curfew. the other 10% is because the ycan't trust you, you have one.  It;'s YOUR attitude that shuld be in question, not the rules your parents have.  I had a curfew al lth way up to graduation, longer in summer an weekends, and longer each year that had gone by.  I never gave dad any reason to put a curfew down that was unreasonable.  We always talked about it before he gave me more freedom.  I had to earn it, and his trust.Be more respect ful of your parents, or you won't be allowed much freedom at all until after you turn 18, and thats only if you move out on your own.


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