
Do vaccines cause autism?

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Do vaccines cause autism?




  1. No. Many families of people with autism pursued this theory for a number of years. But when formal, statistically valid studies were done, no link was found between autism and vaccination. Here's the big study results:

    It's pretty conclusive, so it's not true that no studies have been done.

  2. Absolutely not!!!

  3. Here's a website with an article that explains everything about vaccines and autism.  Hope this helps you!

  4. I was concerned about this also when my son went to get his shots. I asked my pediatrician about it & she said no, that there was nothing to worry about. But if course that is the opinion of just one person...

  5. That is something that cannot be answered with a direct answer.  At this point, it has not been proven.

  6. Upon much research, I am horrified on what I have learned on vaccines.  I reccommend not researching them if you can not handle the emotional trauma that you will be exposed to feeling from what you learn.  That asside, for the latest on vaccines, google "Hannah Poling Autism vaccines"  and "monkey autism vaccine schedule"  These are the latest news on the subject, but know there are reports that go back to the early 1900's if you want to view them.  They are horrifying; it takes a while to let it all sink in.

  7. If they have mercury in them, I think.

  8. I really don't think you are going to get a good answer here.

    Something is making more kids autistic - vaccines have been mentioned. My friend has an autistic boy that was normal prior to getting a vaccine, in addition, he was awarded a settlement.

    I remember when they gave out the swine flu vaccines in the 70's - more people died from the vaccine than the flu.

    Medicine is not exact, that is why doctors "practice" medicine.

    Now where is my thumbs down for telling the truth that people cannot understand?

  9. I gave my opinion at length here...

  10. people think that there is some connection, but there are MILLIONS of kids that get vacinations and had no problems... its really hard to say.  

    but because there are so many parents NOT getting these vaccines, there are now more outbreaks of diseases that we hardly see.  here is the most recient new of it listed today

  11. well according to jenny mc carthy they do. she even wrote a book about it.  

  12. I actually remember seeing something about this on TV. Cant remember the show but it is being considered and investigated.

  13. There is no scientific evidence that vaccines cause autism.They did find a gene that possibly triggers it.

  14. I don't think the definitive answer has been reached on this question.  I have read very persuasive articles on this subject with conflicting viewpoints.

    I also know parents of autistic children who swear that their kids were normal until after the series of vaccinations.

    However, the risks of not having children vaccinated are as bad or worse as the chances of your child getting autism from taking the shots, and most schools will not allow enrollment without them, so it's a huge dilemma for parents!

  15. No you are born with autism your not just walking down the street & get autism.

  16. As the mother of a son with autism, I absolutely believe vaccines were involved in my son getting autism.  He had a reaction to a vaccine and regressed significantly afterwards, losing all of his language, and many, if not all of his other previously-acquired skills, (using a fork and spoon, eye contact, joint attention, distal point, sitting to be read to, playing with other children, and so much more.)

    Knowing what I know now, I would not allow the "usual" schedule of vaccines the medical community pushes.  I firmly believe that vaccines are like "Agent Orange" was to our Vietnam vets -- the government kept telling the vets there was no relationship to their symptoms and the "agent orange" they had been sprayed with, but finally admitted the link.

  17. That's just a theory. But some parents say its the MMR jab specifically. They say after the jab (around 18 months I think) their kid start acting weirdly.

    Again- just a theory

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