
Do vegan families breast feed?

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from there own b*****s?




  1. Some do, some don't. Breast-feeding isn't really much of an issue when it comes to veganism. I mean... duh. There aren't any ethical/health/environmental reasons to NOT breast-feed.

  2. Of course.  Well, at least they should.

    Being vegan is not about being 'natural'.

    We are designed to consume breast milk when we are babies.  We are not designed to consume the milk of other animals.  See?

  3. Why wouldn't they? That's what breast milk is for-to feed the infants of the creature secreting it.

  4. Of course they do. Why wouldn't they? It's natural and best for the baby.

  5. It's very UNvegan to bring a child into the world and deny it what it really needs and deserves.

    This is the only case where a substance from another animal(the baby's mother) is truly better than anything else.

  6. No, vegan families do not breastfeed.  Only the vegan mother does.  The father and siblings aren't able.

  7. Of course they do!  Their milk is for THEIR babies, just like cow's milk is for cow's babies.

    Vegans won't consume animal products, but it's perfectly alright to feed your own baby.  There is no cruelty involved and it's exactly the way God intended for us to feed our babies.

  8. duh.

    Stop bullying people who mainly adopt these lifestyles out of necessity (allergies, high cholesterol) not moral ideology.  Don't be such a prick.  

    If you had a life, you wouldn't pick on us.

  9. yes they do.

    its natural! and its not hurting any animals.

  10. Vegan mothers breastfeed their babies. Why wouldn't they?

    Vegans don't consume the milk of another species, which is intended for the young of that species.

    Human breast milk is intended for human infants, and is the perfect food for them

  11. Hah... Good question.  Why didn't I think of that?

    Give yourself ten points.

  12. No. They breast feed from their toes. They can do that because they made a pact with Satan.

  13. Of course they do, if they choose to.  Vegans are against the exploitation of animals for human gain.  Nature did not design humans to drink bovine milk in adulthood, but we are quite perfectly designed to drink mothers' milk in infancy.  And human mothers feeding their own offspring are not being exploited.  Breastfeeding is completely compatible with veganism.

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