
Do vegans and vegetarians smoke and drink alcohol?

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My son is vegan, and we were having a conversation about the subject. I was just wondering how many vegans/vegetarians do smoke and drink.




  1. Some of them do, just like some people who eat meat smoke and/or drink and some don't.

  2. vegetarian-

    smoke- no way! disgusting and so not healthy, yuck yuck yuck

    drink- yes, in moderation. nothing crazy but i enjoy it :)

  3. Most vegetarians I know don't drink alcohol or smoke.

    A few of them drink alcohol.

    I don't know any vegetarians who smoke cigarettes, cheap cigars or pipes. I know two or three who will smoke an imported cigar once in a while.

    Late Beatle George Harrison may have been a vegetarian, but he never gave up his cigarette habit, apparently.

  4. i personally dont, im vegan for many reasons the main one is ethical., but i also want to treat my body right therfore i don't smoke, and for alcohol i tried it once just experimental find what its like to be drunk, and now its lost all its appeal.

    some do and some don't its just a personal choice

  5. I can't answer for everyone, but I myself do not do either.  I smoked some when I was younger...I drank too.  I don't anymore and I haven't since I became vegan.

  6. A vegan person would not smoke since cigarette companies perform cruel and grossly unnecessary tests on animals.

    I'm vegan and have never smoked and rarely drink.  

  7. I drink vegan wines.  Smoking is very bad for your health.

  8. It would really be the same thing if you asked "Do people who eat meat drink and smoke?"

    So some do, some dont :)

  9. Some are straight-edge, some are pot heads or alcoholics. I'd take a gander that most lie somewhere in the middle. These things have nothing to do with veg*nism.

  10. Hmmm... I actually think that there are a lot less vegans who smoke and drink than omnivores, because people are either vegan for health benefits, or for animals, and the people who do it for health benefits...well they probably don't smoke or drink, but the people who do it for the animals might.

  11. Some do, some don't.  I never smoke, and I almost never drink, although I do use alcohol for cooking.

  12. Most people become vegetarians in their teens, when health is not a major issue. They choose a veg diet out of concern for the environment, or for ethical reasons, and some would not see smoking and drinking as a contradiction of these beliefs.

    Personally, I drink organic chardonnay, and quit smoking after college- for political reasons.


  13. Not all vegetarians/vegans have chosen that lifestyle for health reasons, so some do smoke and drink.  However, they are probably in the VAST minority.

  14. Most beers and wines are "fined" with animal products (there are some vegan ones), and most (if not all) cigarette companies test on animals, so a strict vegan would make sure not to buy any alcohol/cigarettes that aren't animal-friendly (they might roll cigarettes themselves, etc). People who are veg*n for health reasons probably don't smoke or drink at all. I'm a vegan, and I don't smoke or drink at all, because it's bad for you. But a person can still be vegan and smoke/drink.

  15. i do.

    some others do and some others dont. just because we're vegans doesnt mean that we are always healthy.  

  16. Some do, some don't.

    I have never smoked, but I drink vegan-friendly alcoholic beverages in moderation.

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