
Do vegans eat eggs or cheese or drink milk?

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Do vegans eat eggs or cheese or drink milk?




  1. I am a vegan and I don't. Eggs, cheese/dairy are from animals and I don't want to eatanything that comes from an animal. Not that it may not be healthy but because I don't want to contribute to the industry that exploits them.

  2. Eggs no but we do eat milk and cheese if it is soy(or other plant) based. The whole thing about veganism is that we don't consume animal products at all.

  3. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS they dont even buy things that have leather or furs

  4. No, vegans don't eat animal flesh or animal products such as eggs, cheese, or milk.

    Vegans do eat non-dairy products like soy cheese, soy milk, and soy ice cream.

  5. no they don't eat any dairy, eggs, honey or any food that has an ingredient that come from an animal

  6. No, vegans don't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever.

  7. No thats why they are called vegans..........

  8. vegan = no animal products

    *Food - Animal Products:

    -broths and stocks are often created with animal fat, bone, and connective tissue

    -carmine also known as cochineal (food dye)

    -casein (found in milk and cheese)

    -civet oil (food flavoring additive)

    -dairy products (e.g., milk, cheese, yoghurt,





    -honeydew (secretion)

    -isinglass (used in clarification of beer and


    -L-cysteine from human hair and pig bristles (used in the production of biscuits and bread)


    -meat, including fish

    -rennet (commonly used in the production of



    -swiftlet's nest (made of saliva)

    -whey (found in cheese and added to many

    other products)

    *Non-food Animal Products:



    -blood and some blood substitutes (blood used for transfusions is always human in origin, though some blood substitutes are made from animal sources. Many diagnostic laboratory tests use animal or human sourced reagents)

    -bone, including antlers, ivory, tusks, bone

    char, bone meal, etc.

    -casein (used in plastics, clothing, cosmetics,

    adhesives and paint)

    -castoreum (secretion of the beaver used in

    perfumes and possibly in food flavoring)

    -coral rock


    -f******n (used to treat burns victims)


    -gallstones (from livestock)






    -pearl or mother of pearl




    -tallow, may be used in food and soap

    -whale oil


    that means we don't buy it, don't eat it & don't support it.

  9. no they dont eat any dairy, eggs, honey, and other animal products

  10. They don't eat any animal products.

  11. Vegans only eat plant matter..nothing from an animal.

  12. no, they eat nothing that has had a life or was produced by something living

  13. no

  14. nope. We don't.

    No eggs, butter, milk, cream, cheese or honey (some of us do eat honey though- it depends on the vegan) or anything derived from those things.

    My rule is, if I could have produced it (eggs, milk or stomach enzyme) I shouldn't eat it.

  15. no they don't eat any animal products

  16. No..but vegetarians do. Or some do.

  17. no...why do so many people dont understand this i will never know.

  18. No.  We don't do any of those things.

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