
Do vegans who practice being vegan just because of animal rights know this?

by  |  earlier

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we use animals in everything, from cars to bicycles to some cement to some road asphalt to ply wood, in nails to allergy medicine to jelly beans and marshmallows




  1. Ok, you're obviously new here and don't realise that this question and other 'Gotcha!' type questions are asked on here most days.

    Yes vegans know this. Saying 'Hah! Call yourself vegan when you're walking on the street and breathing the air!' is to misunderstand what veganism means.

    Being vegan means minimising your personal contribution to animal suffering and exploitation as much as you can and as much as is practically and reasonably possible.

    Vegans live in the real world; they have jobs, shop, use transport and need to house and feed themselves and their families. It is unavoidable that every day they will make use of several products that have involved the use of animals.

    But they don't see this as a reason to say ''Oh well, I caught the bus today, so I might as well have steak for dinner tonight''.

    And yes of course vegans know there's animal by-products in jelly beans and marshmallows - that's why we don't eat them. Did you really think you were going to catch anyone out with that?

    Yes, vegans know animal products are involved in making most medicines; many avoid them unless it's a serious situation, but it's a decision for individuals. Being a vegan isn't about being a martyr or putting your own or your family's health or life at risk.

    Not as silly as you thought, are we?

    And yes, you have used the word 'oxymoron' incorrectly

    Just as Ima L has used the word 'hypocrites' incorrectly.

    I'm guessing schools have closed for the summer in America, going by the type of questions being posted today.

  2. The worst part about them is how intolerant they are. If you disagree with them then you are just a mindless heathen.

  3. OMG how clever! :-) Educated people (vegan or not) know these things. However if you become vegan you find out after a while that you cannot possibly live a completely vegan lifestyle, nonetheless I sleep well at night knowing I went out of my way to omit things that harm animals from my lifestyle. My conscience can be at ease, knowing I am not a hypocrite for loving animals and PURPOSELY doing things that harm them.

  4. They probably know that, but there isn't an awful lot they can do about it is there? Are you suggesting they don't use roads??

  5. I cannot say anything that has not already been said on this issue. With that in mind, most vegans are aware, and many of us are painfully aware of how many of the things we must use every day to exist in this modern world are here at the expense of not only animals, but human beings as well.

    We choose to continue to survive in this world, and to do so in a way that minimizes suffering of other creatures.  You will seldom find a vegan who is not also actively involved in the promotion of human rights.

    So yes, the petroleum used to make the plastics on this keyboard were forcefully ripped out of nature's womb before being transported, refined, shipped, and formed, and yes this process probably resulted in the deaths of more than a few innocent creatures, while polluting the air that the aerobic respirators among us have to breath, and yes, I will do my best to always purchase clothing, food, and essential items that came from a minimally harmful manufacturing process, but no, I will not give up my attempt to minimize suffering just because our existence by its very nature is somewhat bound to cause the suffering of our fellow creatures.

  6. Not really.

    Caring about animal rights and living a life style that has less culpability for animal suffering is not incongruent with living a normal life.

    We can all control what is only in our power to control. One thing we can all control is what we choose to eat.

  7. Well you sure don't know the definition of oxymoron!!!  

    It's quite funny when people go out of their way to look smart and then do the opposite.        

    In life there are somethings we can control and somethings we cannot.  We might not be able to stop companies from cutting down the amazon to raise cows and grow french fries for the fast food business.... but we can choose not to support it.  

    Wait, was that too complicated ???  Oh, man sorry.

    Change has to start somewhere.

  8. Yes, they do.

    Not only do they know this because they are generally intelligent individuals who understand thier choices; but the information is re-enforced every week by people posting exactly the same stuff as yourself.

    Its as if you ( and all the others that post the same stuff ) think you have suddenly discovered this and the rest of the world doesn't know.

  9. An oxymoron is a word that contradicts itself; like "hot-cold." That doesn't seem to be the right word for what you are trying to say. "Paradox", "irony" or "dilemma" would be a better word.

    Believe me, vegans have access to the same information that you have access to, and they are already thinking about those things.

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