
Do vegetarians, in general, judge non-vegetarians, or is it regarded simply as a personal choice?

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Do vegetarians, in general, judge non-vegetarians, or is it regarded simply as a personal choice?




  1. Oh definitely NOT! I have been a vegetarian all my life. My best friend is a non-vegetarian. I think it's personal choice. I think vegetarian who judge non-veg people are insensitive. But, everyone is allowed their personal opinions.  

  2. I don't judge. I deeply resent being judged by other vegetarians/vegans whose standards are different from mine. Why on earth would I judge others?

  3. I wish more people would go veg*n but there'd be no point in passing judgement - meat eaters make up the majority of the people in my life, including my loved ones.  I respect anyone who respects my choice in turn.

  4. i dont judge them, but there are ones that do. just like everyone else, we are all defferent.

  5. I don't judge anyone because I don't believe that I have a right to judge anyone. Vegetarianism is a personal choice that I don't impose on people. But in my head I think 'ew...' when I see people eating meat

    (Great picture. All hail Stewie!)

  6. No.  For me, my choice to become a vegetarian was mine and mine alone.  I know that I am not eating a dead animal and that less will die for my food.  That is good enough satisfaction for me and i would not push my decision on anyone else.

  7. if they don't judge me, i don't judge them.

    to me dietary habits are a personal choice.

  8. The sensible ones will respect your choice. Some definitely won't. Some will even deny that they don't judge but their thumbing down or reporting of your questions/answers say otherwise. In fact,some of the very same people who say they are tolerant of others will often ask why there are non vegetarians in "their" section.

    Ask or answer with a pro-meat philosophical opinion directed at vegetrians/vegans and watch it disappear.

  9. i don't judge people even if they are vegetarian or not. I personally am a vegetarian and i don't care what meat eaters eat and i don't tell them to become a vegetarian to save animals or stop killing animals for the animal rights.

  10. The radical ones do.  Those with common sense call it personal choice.

  11. It's not my job to judge others.

  12. I think most vegetarians see it as a personal choice, but I think a lot of that depends on why they're vegetarian in the first place. I'm a vegetarian for health reasons, and that's my choice. I don't chastise non-vegetarians for eating meat any more than I chastise other vegetarians who drink soft drinks. It's not good for them, but it's also not my choice.

    Some radical vegetarians do judge people who don't make the same choice. I've never understood this because a) most of the vegetarians I know grew up eating meat and made their choice later in life and b) you attract more flies (to your way of thinking) with honey than with vinegar. If you act like a crazy, angry person, you're not going to earn someone else's respect and admiration, and you certainly won't get them to support your cause.

  13. I'm a vegetarian, and I don't judge people who eat meat. That is their choice, and you have no control over anyones life and choices but your own.

  14. With so many other great reasons to judge people, their diet choice seems to be lower on the totem pole. =) I would rather judge them on who they voted for on American Idol. LOL... kidding.

    But seriously, I think what you put into your body is an individual choice that has no effect on what I think of you as a person. I have offered some of the books I have read to friends if they express interest, but would never push my new lifestyle on them. I get irritated when they do it to me regarding their diet choices, so I refuse to to the same.

  15. As a vegetarian I don't judge others that eat meat.

    When I was a meat eater I didn't judge people that didn't eat meat.

    A pattern that I have within my life that I prefer.  I rather everyone be who and what they are vs. trying to either force someone to another way that the other isn't comfortable with - or - someone making a change that they are not really commited to and won't really stay with.

  16. Im vegetarian, and yes i do think its wrong to kill an animal for meat and no i can't accept it. But as we all know everyone has there opinion and i won't judge people for it.  

  17. I am a pround carnivore and my collegue from work is a full blown lacto-ovo vegetarian. She gets angry when I divulge in quote on quote "flesh" and she has been a vegebalitarian (as I like to call her) for a year. So yeah they pretty much judge.  

  18. no but i send them peta e video's and then ask do you want to eat at mcdonalds tonight? haha.

  19. I don't. I made a choice on what I eat, and others have done the same. I don't consider myself superior and I hope they don't either

  20. Usually, I can't judge those that eat meat.  I would end up judging everyone I cared about!  

    Occasionally, though, when I meet people who are particularly enthusiastic meat eaters - I think we've all met the types who heartily chow down a two-pound steak, saying things like, "Cow YUMMY!  MMM!  Meat!  You don't know what you're missing!!!" - I find I judge them internally as juvenile, ignorant and selfish.  I know it's wrong to judge, but I find it difficult to turn the other cheek...

  21. Personaly i do not judge when i see people eat meat i dont think that much about it i guess i miss it but if someone asks me why im a vegetarian i just tell them... why not? if i dont have to let something die for me to live then i wont kill. im a lover of all animals and when they say they are already dead then i say well if every one in the world stopped eating meat then why would they keep killing animals and the people that say we are keeping the population down we arent they are breeding more because we are killing more. if you think about it the animals breed fine without us hunting/killing/eating them like crazy. well thats my opinion lol i am proud to say i have been a vegetarian for 9 years and im only 16! I made the choice my self.

  22. I guess most people will look down on me for saying "yes" but, I do judge non-vegetarians. I feel like they haven't bothered to think about what they ear eating- when I tell people I'm vegan they say, "ohh, I could never stop eating meat, it just tastes so good!." I feel like saying, "so? Whether or not it tastes good, in the end you're still consuming a corpse."  

  23. i don't, none of my friends are vegetarians but when i see a person eating meat i think " gross"

  24. Im vegan and i see A LOT of veggies judge non-veggies but all the ones i know personally are like me (don't care what other people eat as long as they themselves arn't eating it) but i've noticed that the more i meet, the more are like me...I think that its just the ones that critisize others that stand out and make it seem like there are more veggies who critisize than there really are...

    LOVE ur pic by the way! lol! I <3 Stewie!!!

  25. I dont juge them..

    if they want to eat meat they can its a personal choice..

  26. My pet bunny is a vegetarian, and he doesn't judge me... maybe because he knows I am bigger than he is and can eat him if he gets uppity.

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