
Do vegetarians allow their pets to eat meat?

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Vegetarians love animals, so do they let their pets eat meat? I don't mean to be mean about vegetarians, so don't take me the wrong way. I'm just curious.




  1. I do,I make her food with human quality meats &  my dog also gets plenty of fresh raw & cooked veggies.

  2. The answer is yes.

    I have two cats and of course I let them eat meat. Look at their rows of sharp ripping teeth versus our majority grinding teeth (for tearing flesh versus grinding up grains). Look at their short intestinal tract versus our very long one (animals meant to eat meat have much shorter tracts so the meat doesn't rot inside them, ours are much longer to break down the fiber in plants).

    Cats and dogs are obviously made to eat plenty of meat, humans, not so much.

  3. just curious, if you let your cats and dogs eat vegetarian foods only, will they start falling hair?

  4. I can't speak for other, but I am vegan and all of my pets (4 dogs, 2 cats) are too. We order vegan pet food offline.

  5. All of our dogs are vegetarians, but our cats aren't. It was my moms idea. I heard that the hormones in the processed pet food was bad for them. I think dogs and cats shouldn't be vegetarians because they are naturally carnivores, but factory farmed animals live horrible lives, so if a dog can get all its nutritional needs in a bag of veggie dog food, then why not??

  6. If you are vegtarian then you should still let your pets eat meat.  Dogs and cats have to have that stuff to function properly.

  7. You can find recipes to make vegetarian dog food at Harbingers of a New Age. My dog loves the dog food I make for him. Just wolfs it down. Their email is

  8. If I had a pet I wouldn't allow him or her to eat meat.

  9. yes, my cat eats regular cat food.

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