
Do vegetarians eat fish?

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Do vegetarians eat fish?




  1. Yes. They are called pescetarians.

  2. although almost everyone has answered no,

    vegetarians can eat fish.

    the point of being a vegetarian is to not eat meat.

    you can be a vegetarian and eat fish.

    you can be a vegetarian and eat poultry.

    the only real food eating practice that restricts eating anything that was once alive as an animal would be veganism.

  3. it depends if your a vegetarian because your against killing animals or just for a health reason...but vegetarians can eat fish because fish is not considered meat.

  4. *sigh*

    No, dear, they don't.  Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of animals, and fish are animals.

  5. No. Vegetarians eat a plant based diet (except for the teeny tiny insect that hides amongst the cabbages and peas.) Some eat things produced by animals e.g. eggs, honey, milk based things - yoghurt, cream, butter, cheese etc. Mose refuse to eat any thing that can look at you. A fish can look at you.

  6. no, pescatarians do.

  7. No. Fish are animals, vegetarians don't eat animals.

    This is what The Vegetarian Society has to say about fish:

    ''Vegetarians don’t eat fish and they never have. Many things have changed since The Vegetarian Society was founded in 1847 but two important definitions haven’t:

    VEGETARIAN – someone who doesn’t eat animals

    FISH – cold-blooded, water-dwelling animal

    Fish may not appear as cute and cuddly as young lambs, however they do feel pain and they do suffer. The fishing industry is responsible for some of the most environmentally damaging practices affecting our seas and oceans today. What’s more eating fish can be bad for your health''.

    Some people like to quote online dictionaries, but they can be very inaccurate. When it comes to vegetarianism, The Vegetarian Society is much more authoratative than sources like Merriem Webster. Basically, anyone saying veggies eat fish is spreading misinformation, whether they are aware of it or not.

  8. No vegetarian eats fish. Someone eating fish is an omnivore.

  9. Vegetarianism is basically a philosophical idea about not eating animals.

    Some confused people think it's something other than that.

    I'm vegetarian because I don't want to eat animals. If somebody says they are vegetarian and eat fish or whatever, I don't consider them them my fellow vegetarians and I never will.

    I don't think they are bad people or anything like that, I'm just baffled as to why they would claim to follow the same philosophy I do when they obviously don't.

  10. no because that would involve killing a fish

  11. no, if they did they would be classified as pescetarians.  

  12. No.  Vegetarians never included fish in their diets. If they did, they would not be vegetarians.  Vegetarians do not eat animals.  A pescetarian IS not any sort of vegetarian (obviously) but rather a selective omnivore that chooses to only consume fish and no other animal.

  13. no that's a pescatarian.

  14. No, vegetarians eat no meat what so ever but pescatarians eat fish.

  15. nope.  no meat no dairy.

  16. No, the defining feature of vegetarianism is that we don't eat dead animals.

  17. no, they don't.

  18. no. if they ate fish than they would be a semi-vegetarians or omni-vegetarians or something with a hyphen in it.

  19. Some eat eggs, fich and things like that others are purists and don't eat any animal products at all. It's up to the person. Just make sure to get enough protien from beans, rice, corn, peanut and other nuts and nut butters. That is an issue for true vegans. My brother lost so much weight and fat that he ended up less healthy that before. so, make sure you get guidance from books or on line. good luck.

    Miss mary

  20. no

  21. no, we don't.

    vegetarians don't eat animals of any kind.

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