
Do vegetarians eat ginger bread men?

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I hope not




  1. Yes.

    Bread + spices + butter +sugar = Gingerbread men

    Some vegans wouldn't eat them. But they are yummy so why wouldn't vegetarians eat them.

  2. Lmao!  This is sooo much better than the animal crackers question.

    Yes, ginger bread men are not made of animals, or people:)

  3. there are no animal products in the gingerbread men I make, but I suppose there could be some made with butter, so it depends on the ingredients. look at the ingredients and you should be able to figure it out.

    SHOULD be able to, no guarantees

  4. does it have meat in it?

  5. i hope we can cause they are yummie goodness!

  6. yes, vegetarians eat ginger bread men, if they eat dairy and such.

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