
Do vegetarians eat goldfish?

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I am starting to become a vegetarian. But, I am hooked on goldfish, can I still eat them?




  1. The crackers yes. The fish, no, unless your a pescatarian :)

  2. the crackers of couse you can eat them but now the real goldfish  

  3. Actually, they're wrong. No, you cannot eat them. If you read the ingredients, you will see "Enzymes" listed as an ingredient. Those enzymes come from the stomachs of poor animals who are killed for inhumane food uses. I've personally called the Pepperidge Farm company to ask. I would switch over to Cheez-its or Cheez-nips for now!  

  4. Check with the manufacturer to see if the cheese used has animal rennet in it.  If it does, a vegetarian would not eat them.

  5. no,  not the fish or the cracker.

    eat this instead.

    and no you will not suffer protein deficencies.

  6. The crackers?

    Yeah, you can eat them.

    Same with animal crackers.

  7. No, there's meat in them!

  8. I didnt kno people eat goldfish?

  9. If you're talking about the cute little crackers yeah. They aren't made of real fish, so you're safe on that one. The same goes w/ any cracker w/ a animal name, unless its stated in the ingredients that it actually has that animal in it.

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