
Do vegeterians eat fish, eggs and milk?

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Do vegeterians eat fish, eggs and milk?




  1. Vegetarians don't eat fish, but they may eat eggs and/or dairy products.

  2. Vegetarians do not eat dead animals.  It's always been that way.  Eggs and dairy?  They may if they choose too.

  3. i do n i ma proud vegan.

  4. We eat eggs and milk, because animals don't get killed for them. Vegetarians don't eat fish because they can feel pain as well as animals, but you'll find that a lot of people that claim to be vegetarian eat fish anyway. These are called pescetarians, but they probably just say that they're vegetarian to avoid confusion. :)

  5. Vegetarians eat eggs and milk, but no fish. If you eat fish, you are  to be known as a pescetarian. Pescetarians are like vegetarians, but they eat fish. :)

  6. some vegetarians eat fish, it just depends.

    its vegans that generally dont eat ellgs and milk.

  7. depends on the kinda vegetarian you are. some might eat only fish (pesco vegetarian), some might eat eggs (ovo vegetarian), some might eat dairy products/drink milk (lacto vegetarian). if they eat more than one, they're a combination, i think. then you got your vegans...and the vegetarians that eat all three.

  8. True vegans eliminate all foods of animal source so they would not  eat any of those, semi-vegans do not eat red meat but do occassionally eat poultry and/or fish, lactovegans consume dairy products but no eggs or meat of any kind and lacto-ovovegans do eat eggs and dairy products but no meat of any kind

  9. Fish are animals, so no.

    Each vegetarian makes their own call on foods that come from live animals, like eggs and milk.  Most people in the US who identify as vegetarians eat both, whereas most vegetarians in India eat dairy but avoid eggs.

  10. Vegetarians don't eat fish but they can eat eggs and milk.  

  11. yeah, probably. Someone in my class was veggie and everyday she had sushi.

  12. No and yes.

    Vegans do not eat animal products of any sort.

    Vegetarians may eat dairy or eggs--things that do not require that the animal be killed. If you want to get very specific, vegetarians who use dairy are lactovegetarians, vegetarians who eat eggs are ovovegitarians, and vegetarians who incorporate both are lacto-ovovegetarians.  

    A person who includes fish and seafood in their otherwise vegan/vegetarian diet is actually called a piscetarian.  Piscetarianism is a dietary style that is often confused with vegetarianism because, as you may have noted, the primary difference is the inclusion of fish in a diet.

    So, yes, vegetarians may eat eggs and milk. Vegetarians do not eat fish. Piscetarians do eat fish.  

  13. Some vegetarians just don't eat meat - my mum does that, but some vegetarians don't eat any animal products such as yoghut, cheese and milk as well as meat etc. These vegetarians are called Vegans

  14. Vegetarian don't eat fiah meat or egg but they do eat milk based product.  Vegans do not eat meat, fish and milk.  I called my self pure vegetarian because I don,t eat nmeat, egg and fish but I do eat milk based product.

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